Wednesday, September 2, 2020

In Awe of the Swindle

Bernie Madoff used his gigantic reputation to pry $50 billion loose from his mistress, various friends, the very rich, and many different charitable or non-profit funds.

That does not compare to the swindle accomplished by the concerted efforts of the Bible revisionists.

Let me put it this way. The contemporary text of the Greek New Testament, sold today, does not exist. That New Testament is like the billions of dollars Bernie made off with. What Greek readers can see is nowhere to be found in the entire world. It is invented, fabricated with strategies and deceptions.

The vast majority of texts agree with each other, with certain copyist mistakes made and easily spotted. Now don't get cross. No matter how hard anyone tries, typos are going to happen. If I write Bilical, most will read it as Biblical or suggest I fix the error.

However, Wescott and Hort spent a lifetime spotting errors in a few codices (book style manuscripts) and made them "the real New Testament." These editors made an enormous number of changes, erased words and entire verses. They gave their invented New Testament to those revising the KJV, but no one else saw this new Greek version. Both came out at once.

Now the only traditional text in a major edition can be found in the King James group of translations. The rest are full of errors and omissions - deliberately made - because the Bible is simply a human book to them, and the least Christian reading is the most pure.