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And that is the trouble with many people of our own country; they have forsaken God and His way of righteousness; they have been untrue to His Word, and have proudly proclaimed that human reason, and science, and philosophy are their sufficient guide. Who will deny that we have been conspicuously guilty of such departures? We have wanted to be in the fashion with certain other nations, which thought they had reached that degree of scholarship and power when they could dispense with God and His special revelation.
If we persist in this course, I fear God will presently give us up to our own devices. He will say: “You think you know better than I, as I have revealed the way of righteousness in my Word; so go to, and see what you can do without Me.” That would be the worst judgment God could visit upon us — simply to let us go our own willful way. Every time in the history of the world a nation has been given up to its own devices, it has rushed headlong to ruin.
From: Keyser, Leander. In The Apostles’ Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year. The Lutheran Literary Board: 1920.
Keyser, Leander Sylvester
(March 13, 1856–October 18, 1937). Leading theol. in The General* Syn. of the Ev. Luth. Ch. in the USA; b. Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; educ. Wittenberg Coll. (Sem.), Springfield, Ohio (see Hamma Divinity School). Pastor La Grange, Indiana, 1879–81; Elkhart, Indiana, 1883–89; Springfield, Ohio, 1889–95; Atchison, Kansas, 1897–1903; Dover, Ohio, 1903–11. Prof. systematic theol. Hamma Divinity School 1911. Works include A System of Natural Theism; A System of Christian Evidence; In the Redeemer's Footsteps; In the Apostles' Footsteps; Contending for the Faith; The Problem of Origins; Our Bird Comrades. Source - LCMS Cyclopedia