Lutheran Cowboys Philippines
on September 18, 2020
Next Mission

God helped us to accomplish wonderful things but we have to keep moving for the harvest has already been prepared. God's timing is perfect, thus; we must grasp the opportunities He gave. The war is not yet over; Satan is still active killing souls and destroying lives of unbelievers. God grants the privilege for us to continue expanding His Kingdom.
People in the mountains were happy receiving physical and spiritual support. Bethany Lutheran World Mission did great things to provide love, support and salvation. We are God's instruments to proclaim the greatest accomplishment of Jesus- giving His life for believers to live.
Bethany Lutheran World Mission here in the Philippines need 1,700 dollars for the month of September until November. 1,000 dollars for rice to be given to 50 families; 200 dollars for gas, car registration this October and repair as well. 500 dollars for a new laptop. I am using my wife's laptop. Most of the time, both of us need to use the laptop at the same hours so one has to stop working and it affects our productivity. However, I can wait. We prioritize the rice and car expenses.
Rice for 50 families - $1,000
Gasoline, registration - 200
Laptop computer - 500
Dr. Amabel Palangyos, Pastor Jordan Palangyos
Jeshra, RonRon