Saturday, September 26, 2020

Walther - The Odious Effects of the Walther Errors


Resist the Beginnings – The Walther Effect

Lenski or Pfotenhauer wrote, “Resist the beginnings.” Lutherans can now see what developed from the cagey methods of CFW Walther. Each denomination goes down wrong paths, but these are distinctive to the LCMS-WELS-ELS and mini-micro groups that left the main body.

1.      Pietism – Stephan and Walther brought over Pietism, because that was all they knew. That was the fatal flaw that led the groups back into cell groups, rejection of the Means of Grace, and ignorance of the Word’s efficacy.

2.      The extremes of Pietism have made these groups experts in their false sacraments – the stink-eye and shunning. Anyone who questions their holiness is given the stink-eye at the start and shunned with Amish tenacity.

3.      This extreme Pietism does not mean the Ten Commandments count for much. They protect their criminals and wink at their apostasy while pretending to be different from and superior to ELCA.

4.      Law-breaking is condoned among the officials while dissent is punished with excommunication, root and branch.

5.      If someone has contracted a dread disease, “nobody knows” even though many know – very much like Stephan’s rashes and megalomania.

6.      If someone has been apprehended by the FBI or police, the officials feign shock and say, “We never knew.”

7.      Like signing the bishop’s enthronement paper, the officials deny what is publicly known or provable, even to the point of saying, “He is not in our synod.”

8.      Peculiar arrangements are overlooked, if the individual comes from the right family tree.

9.      Millions of dollars are wasted on pet projects and the decisions are not subject to examination by those who contribute their offerings.

10.  They have a cover story for every scandal, an alibi that takes the place of the truth and makes the curious totally evil for even asking.

11.  Like Walther’s mob, group actions are rigged from the start, so the outcome is known before anything happens. Appeals are just as worthless.

12.  No matter how stories and decisions are rigged, people put the facts together and quietly leave. That is why LCMS-WELS-ELS are fading away as they covertly emulate and work with ELCA, but overtly act superior to ELCA.

13.  They use law firms to protect themselves from the truth. “If this goes to court, we will pay $10 million. There goes the Russian mission!”

14.  Their cruelty toward faithful pastors – while protecting criminals – is the mark of a true LCMS-WELS-ELS official.

15.  Everything belongs to them – these heirs of Walther. They have control of the property, pensions, endowments, and congregational property. They will kick the Mother Church out, if they choose, and steal it back with the cash, if they wish.

16.  Like Walther’s treatment of young Stephan, the vindictiveness of the officials is a marvel. They will undercut and eject someone for a long-remembered slight, or plain old jealousy, and gloat over their imaginary victory.

17.  Their manufacture of myths out of history is a continuation of the Walther fables: the LCMS-WELS-ELS were born orthodox, conceived without sin, and conducted their ecclesiastical missions with their eyes focused only on the Heavenly City.