We had serious drought less than a week ago. Digging in bulbs was a chore, even after soaking the ground for two hours the day before.
The backyard soil became white and even the weeds struggled. But when the rain came, it was a long steady rain, sometimes only mist, at other times buckets.
Only - the rain was so copious that everyone became tired of it. The rain barrels were full and overflowing. The backyard became a giant puddle. I noticed today that the Morning Glories used the time and rain to occupy the fence again and start blooming.
So I now have all the rainwater I wanted during the drought. Gratitude diminishes when there is an abundance. That is what we have seen in America, going from traditional congregations supposedly scandalized by a lack of institutional unity. Now they are united in social activism and decline, not the least from the influence of Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and other toxic waste dumps.