Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Notre Dame Law School Graduate Sworn In.
Hillary Clinton's Birthday, Yale Law, 1973

Mrs. Ichabod and I watched Amy Coney Barrett being sworn in by Justice Clarence Thomas last night. Many Internet posts mentioned that it was Hillary Clinton's birthday. 

Hillary graduated from Yale Law in 1973, when I graduated with an STM (Master of Sacred Theology) from Yale Divinity School. We visited the Law School once or twice, wondering which future celebrities were finishing their degrees.

Barrett is doubtless deserving to be placed on the U.S. Supreme Court - legal scholar, judge, professor, mother, and Christian. She graduated from Notre Dame Law in 1997. I finished the PhD in theology at ND in 1982. My dissertation advisor Yoder and the ND president Hesburgh have passed away. Stanley Hauerwas, another advisor, is still active. I met Hauerwas at Augustana College, in the library, where I was repairing old books.

Stanley Hauerwas

What matters most in this cultural struggle is our support of the unborn, who are the weakest of the weak, the poorest of the poor, a good reason for liberals to support life too.

MA, 1978; PhD 1982