Saturday, December 19, 2020

Experiments about Conforming

One member brought up the idea of conformity, especially as it relates to current health issues.

Churches were told they could not gather, even though the First Amendment states that no one will block the free exercise of religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nothing bothered me more than recent cases where the religious leaders petitioned the courts, saying, "The casinos are open. Why can we open? The pot shops are open. Why can't we be open?"

I would explain to the TV news, "That is the weakest possible argument! Cite the 
First Amendment!" 

The denominations are notable not for showing strength, but for conforming. That was established about 100 years ago, when they

  1. Accepted the worst text of the New Testament,
  2. Began demanding paraphrases and an ever-changing NT text,
  3. Defaulted to Calvinism, because its rationalism made every error seem pleasing to the leaders.

One aspect of tyranny is demanding that everyone worship in the same manner under the same name. European history is full of tragic cases where people were murdered, imprisoned, or forced into exile for confessing the wrong faith. 

The Constitution made it impossible for America to force a religious test on office holders. Likewise, freedom of religion has always been cited as the greatest freedom because religious suppression is the greatest evil.

Whatever events lead us to acknowledging the actual 2020 Election results, the citizens will remember being awakened to the evil of a comfortable conformity. Once the basics reached the impossible point, people began to expect alternatives, not the same old thing. Every entity has an alternative - 

  • The corporate news media have no credibility left.
  • High political office and seniority do not guarantee honesty and patriotism.
  • Higher education does not need country club campuses and elite tuition costs;
  • News can come from 20 different sources, and the facts sorted out independently;
  • Anyone can have a congregation, call a pastor, and teach the Word of God;
  • People can prepare delicious food at home, and ignore the overly salted and deluxe pricing of food emporia. Restaurants often prepare cheap versions of the frozen food delivered by truck to the home. No? Why is a restaurant's "grilled fish" ice cold in the center? Why is the $6 dessert closer to shaving cream than real cream? 
I predict a lot more freedom in America, because we were rapidly slipping into the gravitational field of the European Left - honoring Communism, promoting 37 genders, and bowing to everyone with a title or a threatening glare.