Thursday, December 10, 2020

Strange Eulogies from LutherQuest (sic)

Harrison misunderstood St. Paul's passage about becoming a fool. Every Synod President wannabee who kissed Pastor Otten's ring - kicked him in the ribs later.

Steve Schmidt (Sschmidt)
Senior Member
Username: Sschmidt

Post Number: 1360
Registered: 3-2017
Posted on Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 1:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I can’t help but notice the contrast between the uniform expressions of sympathy and esteem for Rev. McCain and his work for the church and the uniform experience of those who interacted with him online as being argumentative and generally unpleasant. After all, who ever heard of a Lutheran pastor being banned from a Lutheran theology blog!

Most of us who conversed with Rev. McCain online did so because we recognized a knowledgeable pastor of high standing in the church who was eager to communicate. Quite a rarity. What often transpired for most, however, was heated, hardheaded disagreement if you didn’t see things his way, which was unfortunate. Rev. McCain was not one to make friends easily.

And yet, in spite of all of his (and our) many personal failings, at the end of our lives, God welcomes us into eternal life, saying, “Welcome, good and faithful servant! I see none of your sins, but only the perfect faithfulness and righteousness of Jesus Christ, who clothed you with his salvation in baptism!”

It is heartening to read the many outpourings of praise for the life and work of Rev. McCain, since these godly words reflect and confess the very view that Christ as our righteousness has of each of us sinners. What a fantastic witness!
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Rolf David Preus (Rolf)
Senior Member
Username: Rolf

Post Number: 10711
Registered: 5-2001
Posted on Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 3:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

When I applied for readmission to the clergy roster of the LCMS, I met with three DPs who, during our conversation, suggested that I talk to Paul McCain to be reconciled with him. I was a bit perplexed about that inasmuch as I could recall nothing we needed to reconcile. But I called him on the phone as I promised to do, and when I related to him what they said to me he was as perplexed as I was. Neither of us could recall the alleged breach between us. Paul spoke his mind. So do I. He was a faithful Lutheran theologian. He said what he believed without apology.


GJ - These two men seem unfazed that McCain linked plagiarized material on LQ (sic), verbatim, from The Catholic Encyclopedia, and never apologized for it.

Of course, LutherQuest (sic) did not apologize for their blindness or for misleading their readers.

They do not object to McCain's career-long repudiation of St. Paul's Gospel, which puts them in the same camp. Apparently, their precious world absolution - without faith or the Gospel - is especially potent for the unrepentant. 

What was the result of his work at CPH? 
  1. Establishing Objective Justification in print, even destroying Luther's Small Catechism.
  2. Giving the Rationalism of Seminex free reign in the Biblical department.

Richard Jungkuntz, you won on every front! LCMS publishes Seminex Biblical books! LCMS-WELS-ELS teach Objective Justification with ferocity and wrath. You even broke ground with the gay seminary at the portable school, where you were chairman of the Board: Christ Seminex and the Metropolitan Community Church. LCMS and WELS schools of higher education are now gayer than Shakespeare's sonnets. (Jungkuntz got in trouble at WELS Northwestern College for teaching the Historical Critical Method. Isn't reconciliation wonderful?)