Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Third Sunday after Trinity. 1 Peter 5:6-11

  By Norma A. Boeckler

The Third Sunday after Trinity, 2020

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson


The Hymn #575     
       Before the Lord We Bow - Francis Scott Key
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16

Turn Thee unto me and have mercy upon me: for I am desolate and afflicted.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain: and forgive all my sins.
Psalm. Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul: O my God, I trust in Thee, let me not be ashamed.

The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19

O God, the Protector of all that trust in Thee, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, increase and multiply upon us Thy mercy that, Thou being our Ruler and Guide, we may so pass through things temporal that we finally lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth, etc.

The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22


Cast Your Cares Upon Him

The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #49                 Almighty God Thy Word Is Cast

In Our Prayers

  • In cancer treatment - Mary Howell, Randy Anderson, Rush Limbaugh, Christina Jackson
  • Tests - Christina Jackson (scans), Pastor Jim Shrader
  • Elizabeth Mior - has cancer. She is the mother of two small children.
  • Pastor and Mrs. Palangyos' rice mission and car.

KJV 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

KJV Luke 15:1 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. 2 And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.  3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying, 4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? 5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. 7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. 8 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? 9 And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost. 10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

Third Sunday After Trinity

Lord God, heavenly Father, we all like sheep have gone astray, having suffered ourselves to be led away from the right path by Satan and our own sinful flesh: We beseech Thee graciously to forgive us all our sins for the sake of Thy Son, Jesus Christ; and quicken our hearts by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may abide in Thy word, and in true repentance and a steadfast faith continue in Thy Church unto the end, and obtain eternal salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end Amen.

Background for the Epistle Sermon

Luther wrote a commentary on 1 Peter, but this apostolic letter is neglected today. The rationalists are not sure who wrote the letter - they never are. One so-called study recently began, "We will assume that Paul wrote Romans," which is like saying, "We will assume that water is wet and the sky is blue." That is a way of setting things up to create a new doctrine delivered with great creativity but no evidence.

1 Peter and this lesson are especially about affliction, suffering, and the temptation to lose faith. When we let another person get between us and the Word of God, offering his own version - against the Word - we miss the force of this letter. Times can be so bad that everything seems lost. When Rome burned, the Christians were blamed and persecutions erupted. Likewise, during the Reformation, Melanchthon thought the End Times were upon them. When the Ottoman armies descended on Vienna, at the time of the Augsburg Diet (Confession and Apology), the Lutherans were spared persecution because their troops were needed to defend Europe.

 By Norma A. Boeckler

Cast Your Cares Upon Him

KJV 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

ταπεινωθητε ουν - Be lowly, like Christ

We can tell that no one is reading 1 Peter, especially the synod leaders, because St. Peter told them not to lord it over others, a fun verb in Greek that we use in English to this day. I heard one worship professor say, when I made a suggestion about the hymnal, "This is my title, so I will do what I want." 

The spiritual advice here is to "humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God." Ultimately, God will accomplish His will. It is a matter of being on His side or the Opposition.

The greatest short-term damage I have seen comes from people assuming authority and being high-handed. It is true that such tactics often win the day, but they seldom work God's will in the long run.

One of my wisest students worked at the proving grounds in Mesa, where GM cars were tested. The land was being sold because they could no longer afford it. He was retiring. He said, "They are always looking for A personalities, aggressive leaders, bulldozers. They are the ones who got us into this mess today."

When the Preus brothers wanted to run the LCMS by themselves, without Dr. Maier's son having influence, they launched a synod-wide attack on WAM II for teaching Justification by Faith. They won. They even took away his course teaching Romans. The Missouri Synod has been shrinking, coveting ELCA, and mimicking Fuller Seminary ever since. Many have left for the Church of Rome, too.

Strangely, people think the solution comes from the right person rather from their own faithfulness. God does not work much with the high and mighty, who already have their praise and honors. He works through the humble, faithful, and patient. It is easy to discern someone's perspective, whether they speak of the institution or God's Word. One is powerful, the other is not. If we trust the power of the Word and see Christ as the example, the rest will follow in time.

I have had many cases of a plant getting no care, no attention, nothing more than planting it - and seeing the power inherent in that little, left for dead creation of God. One was a climbing rose in a plastic bad, dried out. Ranger Bob gave it to me, so I was obliged to plant it. One vase is full of flowers from that nameless rose.

We moved the Chaste Tree (more of a shrub) to a new location, where it promptly gave up from the stress. I pruned it hard and dumped a bag of leftover compost on it. When its replacement came in the mail, I walked over to dig it out - fully leafed out and now blooming like crazy.

I tell people - whatever you are doing faithfully, just keep at it. Assume nothing and never stop to measure. God's Word always brings results but never fast enough to satisfy use. The only measures to use are: 1) Faithful to the Scriptures?  and 2) Constant use of the efficacious Word. 

3. If mankind could be led so to believe this that the virtue of humility would be generally practiced, it would be well everywhere. This would be a beautiful world, filled with discipline and good works. I would much prefer to see a city in which the young are reared in this virtue than a hundred monasteries of barefooted and Carthusian friars, though they lived ever so strictly. Alas! the greatest and most frequent complaint heard anywhere is concerning the disobedience, wantonness and pride of the younger generation found among all ranks. Therefore it is necessary to use all diligence that this exhortation be instilled into the hearts of the young and urged upon them, in the hope that it may benefit them.

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Lenski - Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee." Compare Ps. 37:5; also Luke 12:11, 12. (1 Peter, p, 225)

We have three people in our congregation facing major medical issues, plus several more we know, family and friends, Rush Limbaugh too. 

The message in this verse is that God is concerned about us. We do not worry alone. We are not anxious by ourselves. People with little knowledge of God think life is cold, bitter, and full terrible catastrophes. That can certainly overwhelm us from sudden shocks and from long-term propaganda. People used to use artillery and naval guns to scare populations. Now they use television and statistics. Polling is another big threat, though there are two kinds of polls (stated very clearly on TV). "Public polls are to shape opinion. The private polls are to find out what people are really thinking. You never hear the results of private polls."

The Scriptures themselves remind us of the qualities of God. Psalm 23 and John 10 - we are the sheep that belong to the Good Shepherd. He knows us by name, because every soul has a name.
We can cast our cares upon him.

There are many issues, problems, and crises that threaten to consume us. We should not dismiss anything bothering someone else as minor. 

We can relish the chance to wait upon someone who needs extra help. I was raised on making food and cleaning up, so it is fun to create dinners and clean up while cooking. Every meal is an adventure, and the three of us enjoy it.

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

γρηγορησατε - the gregory verb - stay awake, be vigilant

God resists the proud, so those who think they are the greatest often fail. They may even seem invulnerable until that moment when it all collapses around them. Instead of being envious that domineering people get away with so much, we are to be watchful and sober.

The Bible is not against alcohol, but against people falling into the snare of intoxication and addiction. We know how slowly that works. The government has spent billions studying those problems and more trying to solve them. 

The second verb is the one Jesus used during His prayer before His crucifixion. The disciples kept falling asleep. His command was "Watch (stay awake) and pray, for you know not the hour."

The lion (Satan) walks about roaring, seeking people to devour their blood. Peter was reflecting on the bloody persecutions. Fear can make people give in and plead for a better deal from their Father Below. The roaring threats frighten and coerce the victims. They must resist.

9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 

stand firmly in regards to the Christian Faith - Lenski

The apostles knew the everlasting Truth of the risen Lord, so that made them rock-like in depending on the Rock-ledge Christ. The example of the apostles and martyrs made the Gospel flourish, so much that pagan Rome became Christian to a large extent, over time. Persecutions increased faith, from the dregs of society to Emperor Constantine.

This will continue to the end, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in gross and disgusting, terrifying ways. 

The worst persecution of the Faith today is the polite, glad to promote you, efficient corporate persecution. Few seem to realize that the Seminex Apostasy of the 1970s is now the official doctrine of the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). To obtain and keep a divine call, a pastor must:
  1. Care nothing about the original text being butchered by the modern translations - NIV, ESV, etc.
  2. Actively put down Justification by Faith as horrible false doctrine.
  3. Work with ELCA without questioning or murmuring, via Thrivent.
  4. Ignore the "laws of nature and of Nature's God" to be cool about who and what is being ordained.
This smooth, slick, corporate persecution is far more dangerous because a calm has settled over Lutherdom. No one wants to fight for the truth, only for the spoils. 

54. The true defense and resistance, in which we are to be sober and watchful, is to be well grounded in God’s Word and cling firmly thereto when the devil seeks, with his cunningly devised fables, born of human understanding and reason, to overthrow our faith. Reason is the devil’s bride, and always vaunts itself wise and skillful in divine things, and thinks what it holds to be right and good must be accounted so before God. But faith holds to God’s Word alone. It knows that before God, human wisdom, skill and power, and whatever gifts and virtues man may have, count for nothing. Only his grace and the forgiveness of sins in Christ has value. Therefore, faith can repel and defeat all these fine pretensions and cunning fables.

55. Worldly dominion and authority boasts before God in this fashion: My crown is a crown in God’s sight, for my power and sovereignty have been given me by God. Therefore, whatever I say he must respect and regard as valid, and everyone must endorse my words and actions.
The wise philosopher or jurist would thus give expression to his boasts and pretensions: We are the learned, the Wise rulers of the world, and have admirable laws and statutes. We have superior and beautiful doctrines concerning good works and virtues. Men must listen to us and allow our judgment to have precedence. 

10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

God gives us the strength, through the Word. As Luther argued, the weapons against Satan come from knowledge of the Word and its opposition to all false dogmas and claims.

The moment they get personal (and they always do), they give away the plot. They have no message but an institutional one - keep the peace and we will reward you. "Challenge us and we will slight, smash, quarantine, shun, and stink-eye you. Then we will peel away your friends and even your relatives. You deserve no less than that."

So Peter said, yes, there will be suffering. But God will establish you according to His will. 

 By Norma A. Boeckler

The Francis Scott Key Hymn in The Lutheran Hymanal

 Francis Scott Key
The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog
He freed his own slaves. Handbook, TLH, p. 531.

"Before the Lord We Bow"
by Francis S. Key, 1779-1843

1. Before the Lord we bow,
The God who reigns above
And rules the world below
In boundless pow'r and love.
Our thanks we bring,
In joy and praise
Our hearts we raise
To heav'n's high King.

2. The nation Thou hast blest
May well Thy love declare,
From foes and fears at rest,
Protected by Thy care.
For this fair land,
For this bright day,
Our thanks we pay--
Gifts of Thy hand.

3. May ev'ry mountain height,
Each vale and forest green,
Shine in Thy Word's pure light
And its rich fruits be seen!
May ev'ry tongue
Be tuned to praise
And join to raise
A grateful song!

4. Earth, hear thy Maker's voice,
Thy great Redeemer own;
Believe, obey, rejoice,
And worship Him alone.
Cast down thy pride,
Thy sin deplore,
And bow before
The Crucified.

5. And when in power He comes,
Oh, may our native land
From all its rending tombs
Send forth a glorious band,
A countless throng,
For aye to sing
To heaven's high King
Salvation's song!

Hymn #575
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 145:1
Author: Francis S. Key, 1832, alt.
Composer: John Darwall, 1770
Tune: "Darwall's 148th"

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog - A Curated Collection of Hymns, Beautiful Graphics, and YouTube Versions

 The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog Is Pure Hymns, History, Music, Art - All Based on The Lutheran Hymnal.

I created the Bethany hymnal blog in a panic, when the main source of all the lyrics went dormant.

I like the word "curated," which I hear often on TV. These are carefully selected hymns (all public domain) from The Lutheran Hymnal, perhaps other sources later.

Everything on the Bethany Hymnal Blog is intended to promote each hymn and to highlight the writers and translators.

Some are asking, "Why is he linking the Bethany Hymnal Blog so often?"

I try to convince people to leverage social media work by linking. I do not use YouTube, but if I did, I would do a share on a blog each time. In fact, I may start doing that with the online service. It takes several seconds, not exactly a hardship.

YouTube provides a way to post the video so that the player shows and someone can start watching or listening easily. Facebook does the same, so I use the link for that effect every service. Pastor Palangyos also does that.

 The Hymns in the Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog are being enhanced with art, variant tunes, YouTubes, and histories. Linking the blog in many places has already increased to views to 5,000 total. Search Engine Optimization works.

Great Compliment from a Fuller Fanatic

 WELS found itself swallowed up by the Kudzu Vine of Fuller Seminary dogma and gimmicks.

Someone on Facebook took issue with my gentle kidding about Fuller Seminary robbing denominations of millions of dollars.

This woman said, "Fuller Seminary has established world missions in 98% of the world. What fruitage do you have to show in your groups?"

I wonder how often people use the term "fruitage," a real word but rather stuffy, ya think? I gave her my favorite Fuller Seminary quotation, chapter and verse -

I answered that Fuller Seminary has wrecked and shrunken all the denominations. WELS-CLC-ELS-LCMS-ELCA have five things in common:

  1. Repudiation of the Augsburg Confession and the Book of Concord.
  2. An unholy love for evil Bible translations and bad hymnals.
  3. Anti-inerrancy.
  4. Universal absolution without faith.
  5. Shrinkage faster than a cheap shirt in a hot dryer.
 "Just deny it? Bill, you are a genius! I am raking in the money from WELS and all the other suckers."

Tending the New and the Older Roses

Julia Child is one of the showcase roses (clearance - ha!)

Yesterday I planted the last bare root rose (rainbow collection, clearance, free shipping). That rose was already leafed out - green leaves growing from the stem. Pale leaves often do not mean much, but these get some overhead sun while soaking.

People forget the "early rain and the latter rain."

Joel 2:23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

Deuteronomy 11:14 That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.

The early rain germinates the seed, so the roots follow the water downward, making the plant more stable and able to stay healthy.

The latter rain brings the plant to fruition, quite an energy demand as the flower turns into a case of food enclosing seed.

This only happens because plants are comprised of cells which are clusters of chemical factories, each one having specific tasks and outcomes.

Gardening should mean observing the principles of Creation, not the fads promoted by the hardware store.

This year I have left more roses in more rainwater than ever before. The first were the Veterans Honor, which also benefited from a combination of lengthy rains and sunshine, not just one or the other. Their jump into blooming startled me and the Military Gardening Group as well. We had bunches of flowers, intensely red. "Look at that one. Look at this one - five blooming at once!

The first and second rainbow selection (don't start on me) proved that a rose soaking in water longer would leaf out faster than its buddy that was planted first. Today I watered all five. The first two, planted first because they should be showpieces, are still rather bare of leaves. The last three are leafed out in green.

Yes, the types could make a difference - and so should the size of the bare root plant. This is not science, but I am more credible Faux-ci.

Some are pretty big and stout (the showpieces) so they would need longer to be saturated with rain.

My advice, based on experience, is to soak bare root roses in rainwater (or stored water, free of chlorine) with the stems out of the water, sunlight allowed.

 Heirloom Rose - another clearance rose - times 3 - for $10 each, not $39.

Part Deux
I like the French sound - Part Deux.

After roses are planted, I dote on the canes and keep them moist daily with a watering can (rainwater or stored water). Early in the morning is good; late in the day will make the slugs happy.

Water droplets do not burn plants.

The top layer of every rose planting is a generous amount of Peat Humus or compost. Compost is great if you like hauling, stirring, and hauling tons of plant material. Peat Humus is inexpensive, easy to wheelbarrow to the right place, and not full of weeds.

I like using large amounts of mulch around the rose bush. This suppresses weeds and marks the bush so it is not bumped over, "weeded," or neglected. Wood mulch is attractive, too.

Calm Down about Weeds
Every living root should be kept in the soil as long as possible. I have a patch in the Rose Garden that went wild last year. We mowed it down, but it comes back strong. The good side is that the weeds are building the soil, 75% of additions come from roots. They also penetrate the clay soil, break it up, and send rain down their root systems for many different benefits.

I can prune a weed away from a rose, perhaps planted by a prankster squirrel who knows his treasure is protected. Squirrels all have degrees from MIT (Mammalian Institute of Treachery), so do not doubt their intentions.

Hauling weeds away is not my passion. I add them to the mulch layer or tuck them in a convenient place. All the rain gutter trash - a veritable greenhouse of new plants and compost - went to the Blackberry patch.

The Augsburg Confession and Its Impact on the Midwestern Lutheran Sects

Matt the Fatt repudiates the Augsburg Confession. Mirthless Mark repudiates the Augsburg Confession. Pope John the Malefactor repudiates the Augsburg Confession. And - they rejoice in their unfaithful agreement -  Objective Justification.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25, 1530 - Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

What makes the LCMS-ELS-WELS-CLC Papacy so antagonistic toward Melanchthon and the Augsburg Confession?

Melanchthon was a genius, so valuable to the Reformation that Luther never wanted his associate leave their partnership. Philip would have been the Reformer in any other country, such as England.

Lutheran clergy today - anxious that they might miss lunch or an appointment to the district camping committee - could never have endured the Reformation. Luther was still in danger of being roasted by His Holiness the Pope if he attended at Augsburg, so Melanchthon became the leader. The laity put their necks in the noose, too, insisting on signing it with the theologians.

If we pick 1517 as the start of the Reformation and 1530 as the establishment of Evangelical Biblical doctrine, then that is the span of time when Luther's life was in constant danger. He married in 1525, expecting to die a martyr.

Melanchthon is either ignored or hated. In typical LCMS fashion, there are so many inconsequential bits to engulf Phillip's reputation.

The real cause - Justification by Faith is clearly taught in the Augsburg Confession, elaborated in the Apology. The leaders would look foolish, even demonic, if they attacked the Confessions, the entire Book of Concord.

Luther and the Book of Concord editors considered themselves "theologians of the Augsburg Confession." That is the bedrock of the Bible and the Reformation.

The Lutheran Papacy - and ELCA - simply gloss over their opposition to the Chief Article of Christianity and promote Objective (without faith) Justification. Grassy weeds in my garden do the same thing, gradually displacing the roses with their shade and greedy roots. The results are inevitable.

Look at that - they made the Book of Concord disappear, and they got a bit chonky since then.

I Know My Faith Is Founded - TLH #381

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

"I Know My Faith is Founded"
by Erdmann Neumeister, 1671-1756

1. I know my faith is founded
On Jesus Christ, my God and Lord;
And this my faith confessing
Unmoved I stand upon His Word.
Man's reason cannot fathom
The truth of God profound;
Who trusts her subtle wisdom
Relies on shifting ground.
God's Word is all-sufficient,
It makes divinely sure,
And trusting in its wisdom,
My faith shall rest secure.

2. Increase my faith, dear Savior,
For Satan seeks by night and day
To rob me of this treasure
And take my hope of bliss away.
But, Lord, with Thee beside me,
I shall be undismayed;
And led by Thy good Spirit,
I shall be unafraid.
Abide with me, O Savior,
A firmer faith bestow;
Then I shall bid defiance
To every evil foe.

3. In faith, Lord, let me serve Thee;
Though persecution, grief and pain
Should seek to overwhelm me,
Let me a steadfast trust retain;
And then at my departure
Take Thou me home to Thee
And let me there inherit
All thou hast promised me.
In life and death, Lord, keep me
Until Thy heaven I gain,
Where I by Thy great mercy
The end of faith attain.

Hymn #381
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: 2 Timothy 1:12
Author: Erdmann Neumeister, 1718
Translated by: composite
Tune: "Nun lob, mein' Seel'"
1st Published in: Concentus Novi
Town: Augsburg, 1540

Paul Eber Hymn - I Fall Asleep in Jesus' Wounds

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

I Fall Asleep in Jesus' Wounds

1. I fall asleep in Jesus' wounds,
There pardon for my sins abounds;
Yes, Jesus' blood and righteousness
My jewels are, my glorious dress.
In these before my God I'll stand
When I shall reach the heavenly land.

2. With peace and joy I now depart;
God's child I am with all my heart.
I thank thee, Death, thou leadest me
To that true life where I would be.
So cleansed by Christ, I fear not death,
Lord Jesus strengthen thou my faith.

Paul Eber - author
Tune - Vater unser

How Precious Is the Book Divine - Listen to the Children's Version Below

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

"How Precious is the Book Divine"
by John Fawcett, 1740-1817

1. How precious is the Book Divine,
By inspiration given!
Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine
To guide our souls to heaven.

2. It's light, descending from above
Our gloomy world to cheer,
Displays a Savior's boundless love
And brings his glories near.

3. It shows to man his wandering ways
And where his feet have trod,
And brings to view the matchless grace
Of a forgiving God.

4. O'er all the straight and narrow way
Its radiant beams are cast;
A light whose never weary ray
Grows brightest at the last.

5. It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts
In this dark vale of tears,
Life, light, and joy it still imparts
And quells our rising fears.

6. This lamp through all the tedious night
Of life shall guide our way
Till we behold the clearer light
Of an eternal day.

Hymn #285
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 119:105
Author: John Fawcett, 1782
Tune: "Walder"
Composer: Johann J. Walder, 1788

God of Mercy, God of Grace - TLH #20

Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

 Henry Lyte
Lyte's best known hymns are:

"God of Mercy, God of Grace"
by Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847

1. God of mercy, God of grace,
Show the brightness of Thy face;
Shine upon us, Savior, shine,
Fill Thy church with light divine,
And Thy saving health extend
Unto earth's remotest end.

2. Let the people praise Thee, Lord!
Be by all that live adored;
Let the nations shout and sing
Glory to their Savior King,
At Thy feet their tribute pay,
And Thy holy will obey.

3. Let the people praise Thee, Lord!
Earth shall then her fruits afford,
God to man His blessing give,
Man to God devoted live;
All below and all above
One in joy and light and love.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #20
Text: Ps. 67
Author: Henry F. Lyte, 1834
Tune: "Ratisbon"
1st Published in: Saechsisches Choralbuch
Town: Leipzig, 1815

Rose Canes Get Thirsty Too

 The yard crew selected this one for their yard.

"Lusciously lovely, delectable peachy-pink color sets apart this sister seedling of Sparkle & Shine. They may have their differences (peach-pink vs. deep yellow). But, like most sisters, they share some likenesses, too. Both are distinctive because of their large showy clusters, long-lived flowers with lovely color, round bushy super-flowerful habit, loads of glossy green leaves & consistent dark red new growth. Buy 'em both & let these sisters battle it out for who's the best in your garden."

I found the best descriptions and photos are from Weeks, a major rose wholesaler. Add Weeks to your rose search and you will get a good description and a perspective on that rose's best qualities.

Rose Canes
This rose is most like Easy Does It, which has hypnotized so many.

Today's lesson concerns rose canes. People think of watering the base of roses, the roots. However, the canes are rather fragile and vulnerable to drying out.

Now that I have newly planted bare root canes, I am using the watering can to mimic rain. Yes, I am using the last barrel of rainwater, since the meteorologists conned us into a "week of rain" when it is a week of rays instead.

This is not the normal weather for newly planted roses, so I am making up for the abundance of sun and the lack of rain.

Today I will snip weeds away from the front yard roses, add some Peat Humus,  and pile the wood mulch around them. The grassy weeds really grow in the sun, so I have to suppress them.

Roses enjoy frequent pruning, especially the faded roses, but also the deadwood here and there.

 Mr. Lincoln dominated this vase, plus Pink Peace and Easy Does it. Mr. Lincoln has a potent fragrance.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Relax - Calvinist News Does Not Mention Justification by Faith, the Means of Grace, Or the Efficacy of the Word in the New Issue. Not Even OJ or SJ!

 The American Calvin: CFW Walther - coming soon.

This morning, I was recalling John W. Montgomery's observation that Christian News was like the Policeman's Gazette, always promising an article that would prompt a heart attack. Dr. Dr. Dr. Montgomery clutched his chest dramatically.

The cub editor of the periodical has turned CN into Good Ol' Daze, a bit nostalgic, as threatening as My Weekly Reader.

What were his qualifications? Hale has eight children and OJ, just like Otten.

The current issue does not mention Justification by Faith, the Means of Grace, the efficacy of the Word, Objective Justification, or Subjective Justification.

That is like gardening without tools. Someone could plant some things with bare hands, but it would take a long time.

Terminology is a tool, words to define, support, reject.

Swearing Off Planting New Roses for This Year,
Unless Something Impossible To Resist Comes Up.
Sowing in Tears

 Easy To Please is the last new rose of 2020...I think.

We no longer sow weeping. In the early stages of agriculture, some of the grain seed was saved for the next year. What if the crop being sown failed? How can the family and the animals be fed without the grain we are counting on for our lives?

Psalm 126 5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

I was thinking of the Psalm and hymn while I planted the last new rose for this year.

My great aunt wrote about free land they were given for farming, a bonus to get people settled in Ohio long ago.

Even with free land they could not survive there. The experience was so hard and bitter than her parents never wanted to see it again. My great aunt wanted to go back and talked them into it. Perhaps a child only remembered what was good and loving. Or the parents thought of the baby they lost - I am not sure when that happened. Looking at the carefully wrapped hair was an annual event, which meant a lot to my great aunt.

The Ohio farm failure got them out of Adventism, because they could not raise hogs in Iowa and be good Adventists. The family did well there.

"Behold a Host, Arrayed in White"
by Hans A. Brorson, 1694-1764

Hans Brorson also wrote "I Walk in Danger All the Way."
He was a Danish Pietist.

"Behold a Host, Arrayed in White"
by Hans A. Brorson, 1694-1764

1. Behold a host, arrayed in white,
Like thousand snow-clad mountains bright,
With palms they stand. Who is this band
Before the throne of light?
Lo, these are they of glorious fame
Who from the great affliction came
And in the flood of Jesus' blood
Are cleansed from guilt and blame.
Now gathered in the holy place,
Their voices they in worship raise,
Their anthems swell where God doth dwell,
Mid angels' songs of praise.

2. Despised and scorned, they sojourned here;
But now, how glorious they must appear!
Those martyrs stand a priestly band,
God's throne forever near.
So oft, in troubled days gone by,
In anguish they would weep and sigh,
At home above the God of Love
For aye their tears shall dry.
They now enjoy their Sabbath rest,
The paschal banquet of the blest;
The Lamb, their Lord, at festal board
Himself is Host and Guest.

3. Then hail, ye mighty legions, yea,
All hail! Now safe and blest for aye,
And praise the Lord, who with His Word
Sustained you on the way.
Ye did the joys of earth disdain,
Ye toiled and sowed in tears and pain.
Farewell, now bring your sheaves and sing
Salvation's glad refrain.
Swing high your palms, lift up your song,
Yea, make it myriad voices strong,
Eternally shall praise to Thee,
God, and the Lamb belong.

Hymn #656
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Revelation 7:13-17
Author: Hans Adolf Brorson, c. 1760
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Den store hvide Flok vi se"
Norwegian folk-tune, c. 1600
Tune: "Great White Host"
Arranged by: Edvard H. Grieg, 1907, ad.