Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Luther-Tyndale-KJV: The People's Bible, But the NIV-ESV-TEVs Belong to the Romanizing Scholars.
The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God

Kurt Aland and his second wife, Barbara, buried the Majority Text.
They have dubbed their highly polished version of Westcott-Hort - "The Standard Text."

How ironic that the modern scholars have tried to replace the reliable Majority New Testament text with a bad one they conjured from Vaticanus – a dubious source unimproved by the accolades of Romanizing Protestants and rationalists. The modern scholars, publishing companies, and denominations have filled their pockets by corrupting the Gospel and telling the people – “You are not smart enough or educated enough to understand our great work of emancipation.” As the text scholar - Kurt Aland - said, “The Majority Text is dead.” But Tyndale had the exact opposite attitude toward the Bible –

“Which thing only” he says, “moved me to trans late the New Testament. Because I had perceived by experience, how that it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except the Scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in the mother tongue.”[1]

[1] The Translators Revived, p. 16.

These Objective Justification experts turned their backs on the Reformation. Is it a co-inky-dink that Church Growth arose from the ashes of the KJVs they burned (symbolically, of course)? The Reformation would not have tolerated such bumpkins to lecturing everyone as if they were certified doctors. Let's hear from a real doctor, PhD Harvard University, in Semitics.