Human reason can not submit to the providences of God, the ways in which He leads His saints and elect. For the most part God’s leadings seem strange, incomprehensible, unreasonable and altogether at variance with the object in view, yet ending in perfect blessedness, glory and triumph.
Only look to Golgotha. God slays Him who is to make all alive. He allows Christ, by whom all should be saved and received into sonship, to be condemned, cursed and rejected. In order to gather the sheep, He allows the Shepherd to be torn asunder by the wolves. At Christ’s death God permits darkness to fall upon the whole earth in order that there might arise a Light for all men. In this way He leads all who are dear to Him. From, the Original on Golgotha all copies are taken. Mark that and look diligently at the way in which God’s Son, the Well-beloved of the Father, walks; for this way you also must walk, within and without, if you allow the Lord to lead you, not leading yourself.
Your heart will often feel bruised, wounded, forsaken, yea, dead: you will believe that you are completely lost and already in hell. But if your heart even then does not depart from the Lord; if you still trust in Him and stretch your arms out toward Him, then He will inspire you with new life, enlighten and gladden you, and, as it were, transport you into heaven. He puts a new song in your mouth. Do not, however, become self-sufficient; do not become secure! The sun will once more go down; the sky will once more be clouded; but it will clear off again. Do not be frightened because of this change.
Thus God deals with us here on earth. Only cling to Christ in faith. Through everything, through light and darkness, through life and death, through heaven and hell, He leads you securely to the goal.
From the section, “Monday After the Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity.” John Goszner’s Treasury