Thursday, August 12, 2021

How WELS-LCMS-ELS-ELDONUTs Shot Themsevles in Both Cloven Feet at Once


The fraud committed by WELS-LCMS-ELS-ELDONUTs is breath-taking in scope, the lies piled high and deep, offered in solemn piety and brazen hypocrisy.

Let us look at a few excuses for the NIV, since the ESV, RSV, and BrugSV are not much better. Answers are in John Deere green, as opposed to faux-purple.

Pan-Lutheran Association of Non-Believers claim - "Children and young folk cannot understand the King James Version, so this will make our Christian education materials better, from diaper academy to seminary."

Answer - The NIV changes all the time, but far more promiscuously than the NewKJV, which also changes without warning. One benefit for the publisher is the ability to keep the copyright fresh. Another benefit, as revealed in WELS, is to block all use of the old NIV so the materials must be published with the New Incredibly-Horrid Version. The faculty at Northwestern College (RIP) whined about the NIV but did nothing. 

Pan-Lutheran Association of Non-Believers -"The NIV-ESV-RSV-Brug-SV, yea even the New KJV use the original text (sic) rules of Tischendorf, Bengel, Westcott-Hort, Nestle, Aland, and Eugene Nida. These curated copies (though very few in number, a tiny minority) are modern, scientific, and go back to the earliest days, when the first authors did not claim the divinity of Jesus or His Virgin Birth."

Answer - The abandonment of the Majority or Traditional Text is the work of buddies Westcott and Hort, who loathed the Traditional Text and mooned and groaned about their devotion to Mary. One of these daft men said he preferred "a Mary religion" to a "Jesus religion." How scientific was their approach, which offered no notes to explain their deletions from the Word of God, secretly handed to the KJV Revision Committee and published with Revision in the 19th century. The Revision and the Westcott-Hort Greek NT were shunned like Luther in WELS-LCMS. However, the dishonest, anti-Christian, and unscholarly approach caught on with the apostate church leaders.

Pan-Lutheran Association of Non-Believers - "The truth of the Bible comes through with these many styles and language levels. We needed a Dynamic Equivalence instead of a word-for-word translation, which is wooden, hard to follow, and detrimental to our mission goals."

Answer - I will demonstrate a word-for-word translation from the Greek, John 1:1

εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος

Word-for-word. In beginning was the Word and the Word was with the God and God was the Word.

KJV John 1:In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Eugene Nida's Dynamic Equivalence is a license to throw anything in the translation paraphrase (let's be honest) and also yeet anything out that offends the apostate handling the butchered text. 

So this is a double corruption. 

  • First of all, the Hebrew and Greek texts have been butchered by rationalists who confess that the Sacred Scriptures are just another book by man about God or gods. 
  • Secondly, the Nida demons feel free about - and brag about - making their creations as different as possible.

Pan-Lutheran Association of Non-Believers - "Our modern Bibles are carefully created by vast numbers of curated Biblical scholars, most of them with PhDs though some sects - like WELS and ELDONA - are allergic to genuine doctorates when an STM or DMin is so much easier. The KJV came from clergy, for pity's sake, not from the musty halls of Harvard, Fuller, and the Willow Creek Academy."

Answer - The heritage of the KJV is great and praiseworthy at every level. 
The Hebrew and Greek texts come from the Christian Church, where thousands of almost identical Greek New Testament texts were preserved in the Byzantine Empire. How many? I see numbers ranging from 5,000 to 7,000 individual manuscripts - all in the Traditional Text arena. 

In contrast - Westcott and Hort built their phony Greek New Testament with five manuscripts, 1/1000th of the Majority or Traditional Text. Two of these "superb" sources came from Tischendorf, a self-promoting, lying popinjay. His two treasures - Sinaiticus and Vaticanus - do not agree with each other.

Erasmus, an independent scholar, put together the Greek New Testament (Traditional Text) which Luther and the others used. 

Luther gathered a group of brilliant believers who were highly skilled in languages, Melanchthon being one of the greatest in Europe. They did their work with a burning stake - not a posh retirement - in their futures. 

Enter William Tyndale, an English genius in languages. He came to Germany in Luther's time to escape the king's wrath and to learn more.  Facts are sketchy, but his work became the standard and model for all English translations afterwards. As some say, they were all Tyndale Bibles, even if named Geneva, Bishops, or Coverdale.

The King James editors/translators were the best minds in the country at the peak of England's development of the language and arts. They were clergy, bishops, scholars, all believers. They honored the Word of God, not themselves. 

The ways these modern Bible boys and girls preen and gawk in the mirror about their superiority to the KJV is a laugh. The modernists are too smart for us guys who work for a living and actually serve congregations, visiting people, marrying couples, burying those translated into eternal life. 

Because the NIV-ESV-RSV-BrugSV criminals are so educated, they produce footnotes to reverse the meaning of the text.

The footnotes are the third great corruption of the Bible. Do not miss that, because it is devilishly clever and efficacious in destroying faith in Jesus Christ, the purpose of the Bible. 

Isaiah 7:10 - He will be born of a virgin (note - or a young woman). The Virgin Birth and Incarnation are denied in the note. This two-step goes back to the Marxist National Council of Churches Revised Standard Version, denying the Virgin Birth, then dropping the denial to a footnote.

New KJV - Nice marketing. The entire Bible looks to the Nestle Aland in the notes, meaning - the meaning could be the opposite, you know. Nestle Aland, the snip and clip Greek New Testament is cleverly noted as NU, pronounced NEW, for Nestle United Bible Societies. The Catholics are welcome parties of the United Bible Societies now. They have more than a seat at the table. They own the table and rent the chairs to the crypto-Unitarian Protestants. The NKJV uses (M) for the Majority Text in the footnotes. Using only that M is as useful and transparent as a broken GPS in the car. 

"The less one believes in the Biblical message, the more scholarly he or she is." - That is the standard ever since Karl Barth, his mistress and co-author Charlotte Kirschbaum, Paul Tillich, and the rest. It started much earlier in the 19th century, and the new Bibles are either the cause or the effect of this change to apostasy.

Look up Acts 8:37 KJV on Bible Gateway, which is a thrall of the NIV. But look anyway and press the link for ALL the translations of Acts 8:37.

Here is the link for Mequon graduates. They are a bit slow in Mordor.

The NIV and ESV have erased that verse - just like Thomas Jefferson.