Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Temperature To Rise to 95 Today - Real Feel, 212.
Face to Face Again with Hummingbird


I opened the door into the brilliant morning light yesterday and found a hummingbird a few inches away from my face, hovering - but doing his up/down left/right movements. I figured he was mapping my face for the Humming Friends List. 

We have a number working the flowers at once. They have been enjoying Joe Pye and Bee Balm. Next, the large plantings of Hosta will be blooming - front yard, backyard, and next door. Hosta flowers attracted hummingbirds so easily that I decided they were a good plant to increase in number. 

I am watering the front and back gardens today, hoping they will thrive or survive until Saturday. 

Floods are everywhere in the world and in places here. I am "watching the water," a warning issued some time ago.