People ask, "Are coffee grounds actually good for the soil?" Gardening sites turn this question into a dissertation.
The simple answer is - "Yes, because most organic additions to the soil are good for plants and the soil critters that fertilize, blend, aerate, and even sweeten the soil. Earthworms sweeten the soil with their unique calcium producing glands.
Creation gardeners do not need to get a degree in chemistry for their work. A blend of organic materials over time will be reduced to soil. My pile of used coffee ground packets (from pour-over coffee making) is not a pyramid because the paper and grounds keep being reduced by the soil creatures.
Packing tape lasts forever in the soil, so consider that when using cardboard for mulch in the fall. My neighbor had a jungle of grasses in her flower bed, so now she has most of that disaster (which she and her husband inherited) turning weeds into compost.
Today I was putting bulbs in the former Blackberry/Joe Pye little garden areas. I saw a black form behind me. It was Atlas, the puppy who escapes with his mentor Alaska. The odd thing was - they were in a locked yard. I had the only gate shut with a chain, and I was on the other side. But they got in and were happy to see their guardian gardening.
Sassy and I took them to their house and informed their staff about their latest venture (repeated by Atlas later today). We had some laughs again. He said, "I know my dogs are missing when I hear you calling their names."
They generally follow me to their home, hoping for mercy rather than justice. One time they ran farther away.
Atlas walked up to my friend, threw himself on the ground, belly up, and begged for forgiveness, wiggling and faking contrition. We laughed and laughed.