Friday, October 22, 2021

How the LCMS-WELS Flipped, Slipped, and Dipped.
The ELS Was Birthed on Justification without Faith


The CFW Walther bullies were not shocked by Stephan's adultery with numerous young ladies in their cult. They used an imaginary confession (denied by his #1 mistress) to form the riot and justify their felonious and anti-Christian behavior. Stealing Stephan's chest of gold made them solvent.

The following is a very short summary of the Synodical Conference, whose death is still mourned loudest by those who destroyed it.

Martin Stephan told the Walther circle of pastors to gather up their cult and sail for America, a plan plotted and organized for years. The pastors knew Stephan was a syphilitic adulterer, but they followed him anyway. Walther later blamed Mrs. Stephan on their marital troubles even though she stuck with him until he abandoned the whole family (except one son) and took his mistress instead. For that, the Walther circle made Stephan a bishop in America, which is what Stephan wanted. 

Stephan was no scholar of the Bible, and Walther was just as bad. Walther took over the Pietistic notion of the entire world being absolved the moment Christ rose from the dead. Do not be shocked - the simpletons of the ELS (Webber) and WELS (Buchholz) teach the same Halle University nonsense today.

Walther organized the riot that forcibly removed Bishop Stephan from his house (a felony) and the title they bestowed on him, from his land (a felony), and from all his money, books, and belongings (more felonies). They forced him across the Mississippi River at gunpoint (a felony) and blamed everything they did on him (slander, now called "Talking Points" in LCMS, WELS, and the ELS).

CFW Walther - the consummate liar, pimp, and false teacher - established his dominance over all actions of the Missouri Synod, as we now call it. Pieper blended efficacy and Enthusiasm, Objective Justification and Justification by Faith together in his Dogmatics, making it easy for people to think "Objective Justification is the Atonement, Subjective Justification is Justification by Faith." 

The Little Norwegians (ELS) left the Big Norwegians (eventually TALC) because they wanted to be purely Justification without Faith - OJ.

The original, official doctrine of the LCMS and WELS was Justification by Faith. Unlike today, most of the clergy could read Luther in German. Now the seminarians do not read much at all, little or no Luther, whose doctrine and writings are despised by the professors and dimwitted leaders. The LCMS-WELS coalition strengthened their Calvinistic and Pietistic roots, making the mainline denominations' dogma their dogma.