Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Mirtrhless Mark the Mendicant Has a New Campaign for the Shrinking WELS College


"Throw us a lifeline, eh?"

How is a field house a mile away from campus going to help in the middle of winter when most students don't have cars?

They forgot to mention that part... It isn't ON CAMPUS, it's OFF CAMPUS at the Athletic Fields site.
"Sports Complex
• Shared locker rooms for field sports - home & visitor
• Indoor practice turf
• Game day support - concessions, restrooms, coaches,
and officials
• Team rooms
• Satellite training room"

Martin Luther College now costs over $30,000 a year, and the average student leaves with more than $50,000 in debt. That may be a reason why students pick Granger Community College instead. Another reason is WELS protecting felons, denying anything happened, and treating so many students like dirt under their Stormtrooper boots.

WELS stole a march on ELCA, doubling down with Satanism and gender bending.

When Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm absorbed Northwestern College in Watertown, everything was supposed to be glorious:
  1. Men and women together
  2. Separate tracks for teachers and future pastors
  3. Decreased alcoholism
  4. No more Cattle Crossing signs popping up when the NWC students were visiting.
I have been reading Augustana College (Rock Island) history lately. The Swedish Augustana Synod, after some years of doctrinal difficulties, established their synod and college in 1860Northwestern College began in 1865

The differences are enormous today, because the Swedes took higher education seriously, instead of putting incompetents in teaching roles. Andreen, an early Augustana College president, left his comfortable job as head of a language department at Yale University to get the Rock Island campus on solid ground. He was pummeled in Sweden for asking for funds and succeeded in winning over the opposition. He cultivated the prosperous Swedes in the Midwest and strengthened the faculty. 

"Augustana ranks among the top 40 U.S. liberal arts colleges in the sciences, based on the number of graduates earning Ph.D.s. Students accepted to Augustana typically rank in the top 20% of their high school classes." (Wiki)

Similarly, Gustavus Adolphus in Minnesota is one of the top music schools in America. I remember when a prominent ELS pastor sent his daughter there for music. 

Christina and I graduated early from Augustana, Rock Island, November, 1969. We got married 10 minutes later.

 The Augustana Synod abhorred slavery, unlike Walther's sect, where slavery was practiced from the beginning and supported by CFW Hisself.