Saturday, October 30, 2021

The King James Version versus the Others


Tischendorf gave the unbelieving rationalists what they wanted and called it Aleph - Sinaiticus, an escape from Biblical inerrancy, very likely a complete forgery. The Vatican provided their own - modestly named Vaticanus - or B.

Tischendorf managed to associate himself with two codices (book style) sources, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, naming them the best, purest, earliest New Testaments.

The European "scholars" already dismissed the divinity of the Bible, in part from the influence of Halle University and its rancid, rationalistic Pietism. American denominations are no different today. They teach the visible institution, not the Word of God. 

Does it not make sense that the apostolic church carefully made copies of the Gospels and Epistles, expanding the total as Christianity spread? And did they not also translate versions for different languages? And quote the originals? Yes, all that is found in the Greek New Testament, translations, and quotations - the Majority Text, aka Traditional, aka Byzantine, aka Textus Receptus (for Latin 101 graduates). That is the KJV New Testament, from Greek to English.

And do we not know that various heresies corrupted and changed the copies they made, which were as popular as whoopee cushions in a lecture hall? Yes, we have many early Church complaints of those early frauds. They would be rather low in number, because the believing Church did not want strange notions invading worship and teaching.

So we have an unequal comparison, the 95% of all sources - the Majority Text. The 5% come from the heretics.

Now look at your congregation's Bible. Is it the original Luther Bible from the Reformation? Or a copy? Is it from the printing presses licensed by King James? Or a copy? Bibles last a long time, but not all the way back to the first printing, and those earl examples are usually high quality productions.

The early Church burned the worn out copies so they would not fall into the hands of the government or heretics. Please hold back on expecting a Bible on parchment (skin) or papyrus (paper) to last. What can last is the oddball copy in a seldom seen library. 

At Augustana I found a book on comparing Greek grammar to Latin grammar, truly a labor of love. No one had taken it out for 30 years. I wonder why.

There is only one Sinaiticus, which does not match the unique Vaticanus, but both were hailed by Tischendorf as the earliest and best. David Daniels published a book on Sinaiticus as a forgery, a new production which was artificially aged. The Vatican has never held back from fraud, lies, and demonic perversions of the Bible. 

It takes a lot of study to get through the smoke screen created by Tischendorf, Rome, Westcott-Hort, Nida, Nestle, Aland, and the Bible salesmen of today. That is why The Bible Book will soon have a second edition - so many layers of liars to expose, so many typos to fix.


The modern English paraphrases (they are not true translations) do not match each other. The publishers gather some mediocrities with positions and create something new and different to sell. Like the heretics of the earliest days, they erase what they do not like and completely change phrases to suit their dogmatism. And their spear-carriers fight like demons to keep the errors. The Great Commission is not "make disciples" but "teach all nations," a challenge that makes the Growthers rage and spit.

And - the changes are always changing. The modern paraphrases have no problem with changing their own wording, year after year, and that keeps the copyright ($) legal, sound, and unique. Even better - call the old one New, which works for most of them except the New International Version, which became the New International Version by dumping the "classic" and somewhat less obnoxious NIV. Now the nostalgic in WELS and Missouri pine for the "classic" NIV which Murdoch (Lizard Hands) took away from them. O Tempora O Mores O Shucks.

Murdoch gave you the NIV. WELS said, "Do not let the members know."