Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Getting Ready for Live/Saved Vimeo Short Lessons - Tomorrow (Thursday)


Job One today was getting the copies of Lutheran Christina out the door at Amazon. I dropped off copies at the Circle of Life hospice, too, with Sassy's help. I enjoyed taking them there, because the nurses were so good to Christina.

The new books will arrive at random times. If someone does not have one by Thanksgiving, let me know. I can also send extras any time. 

Second, I began shifting the computers around. The one with 32 megs of RAM is in the chapel for Vimeo. I also have 700-900 megs of download/upload from fiber optic. One computer is for writing and the oldest one is for backups, besides the backups, Dropbox, and cloud. 

I am behind in communication because the email program crashed and burned. I am recovering some from new emails and 1-800-NSA-HELP (great people but always whispering).

I am testing Vimeo for live/saved work Thursday-Friday. Note what one regular emailed me -

I clicked the link and it brought me to a page on the Ichabod site, which had a link to Vimeo. I clicked on the Vimeo link and it brought me to the Reformation Day video. I was able to start the video from there.

This morning I had gone to the Vimeo home page and searched and found your Bethany Lutheran site.

The site has links to the 3 videos posted thus far. I played the video for the Reformation Day service. I found that the video quality was better than the the IBM site. The sound quality for your voice was good, but the quality of the music was not quite as good as IBM, although this may have been due to my internet connection speed.

I noticed something interesting. When you select a video from the list on the Vimeo Bethany site, there is no button to download the video. But, when I followed the link you provided, the video came up and there was a button to download.

A plus for Vimeo is the option for a viewer to download a video as an MP4 file. I couldn't do that from the IBM site, I tried several video-download products, but it appeared that the IBM site was built not to permit downloads. I ended up using a video screen capture tool to save several of your services. 

Now we can have two operations at once. 1-The current production and saves on Vimeo, 2 - downloads from IBM and edits from Team Cartee, YouTube. The person who kept pushing me into video editing must be smiling. I am glad I did not want to retire at 65.

 "How about trying something new, Pastor, something you have no knowledge of and grave reservations about, you know, fun!"