Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Low-Cost Home Entertainment Center

"Don't worry, Filbert. After nursing is over, the Jacksons will provide various foods for you - and ring the bell."

 Later, Filbert grew quickly on nuts and snacks, but found himself getting sleepy when overfeeding.

Someone reminded me that people still go to movie theaters, which recalled popcorn buckets, diet Coke, and overpriced tickets. "Do you want butter on your popcorn?" GJ - "That is not butter - it's motor oil. I saw a bag of it poured into the tank. Everyone said Ew-w-w-w-w-w."

There are many overpriced foods for squirrels and birds, but a bit of selection will yield a good supply of entertainment for a week, far more fun than Ninja Turtles XII or Star Warship on the Angry Red Planet.

New feeding areas are avoided until the animals feel safe, so allow about two weeks for real fun.

I have three zones for feeding now, and three sources of fresh water for drinking or bathing. Each feeding area has one or two places for observation.

1. Garbage barrels. Their tops are large and designed to drain water away. They can be cleaned easily, unlike bird feeders from the store. I also use window ledges and the ground. More birds and squirrels come at a time that way, and we have a slow but methodical possum at night.
2. Metal wire baskets - I suspended them from the house to provide birds and squirrels with some extra exercise. A squirrel in a basket is hilarious, and so is a bird hopping in and out to get the food and eat it elsewhere.
3. The suet baskets. The squirrels ate seed enhanced suet so I keep pure suet in the baskets now and some seed in the actual feeder. Brutal weather brings the Cardinals, Blue Jays, Starlings, Woodpeckers, Finches, and Chickadees. Suet lasts longer than any other food. The suet-eaters are all bug chasers, so they should be coddled.

 "The price of tickets! You throw away $20 instead of dollars for feeding me!"