Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Now and the Future -- The Bible Book and the Sequels

 The Bible Book series will include John's Gospel - the I AM Sermons, Acts, Letters of Paul, the Pastorals, and the Catholic Epistles.

The interest in supporting the King James Version led me into a second edition of The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God. I am glad that developed because I had to chance to build up a lot more books about the KJV's origin and qualities, and also about text criticism from both sides - Majority New Testament Text versus the Forgeries called Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. Proof of the fakery is easy to consider - they are 1500 years old and have no children. 

In contrast - this is rich - recent discoveries and some ignored facts point to the Majority Text going back to the Apostles. The claim has been, "The KJV Majority Text is late and therefore corrupt." By corrupt, they mean the verses, phrases, and words removed in the "scientific" editing promoted by Tischendorf, Westcott-Hot, and Nestle-Aland-UBS

The early church fathers were using the Majority Text and they kept copying new generations of New Testaments because they wore out the originals. 

In contrast, we are to believe that Vaticanus (held by the forgery-friendly Vatican) and Sinaiticus (another Catholic op) were 1500 years old and still usable, though nobody copied them. It is like saying that one man overwhelmingly won the electoral vote, so the contest was given to the guy who could not get more than a dozen to hear him live. Something is wrong there...too.

The differences between faith in Jesus Christ and disguised atheism are there. What passes for intellectual study of the Word is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide some frightened wizards who shout, "You have not studied obscure matters for decades, so you cannot judge our constantly changing Bible Juggernaut, which enables us to sell our ever-evolving Bibles, which funds our conferences and fellowships and awards and trips and honors and promotions.

 Seminex won - the LCMS-WELS professors are hotter than Georgia asphalt to follow ELCA

Luther is an embarrassment to the Lutheran synods and the Texas archdiocese.