Thursday, December 30, 2021

Your Daily Wake-Up Article

ELDONA is almost 100% Ft. Wayne, where seminary students were expected to kiss the OJ ring of Robert Preus and David Scaer. It warmed my heart to see Jim Heiser and Rolf Preus shoulder to shoulder for one brief, shining moment.

Today I made some cinnamon pour-over coffee and sat down to read something interesting, amusing, shocking, or outrageous.

 Robert Preus taught this nonsense to his students at Ft. Wayne, but clearly saw the errors in his final book, Justification and Rome. Rolf and Daniel were too clueless to edit the counter-arguments out of the book.

The ALPB Online Discussion Forum was supposedly on the topic of the ELCA Bishop kicked out of her own political group. But no, it was actually another debate between the ELCA journalist-pastor Charles Austin and Rolf David Preus, son of Robert Robert Preus, son of Jake Preus, who also began Jack Preus - LCMS President and brother of Robert Preus. I think Rolf is back in the LCMS to stay, though he was ELS, then in his own Rolf Synod, then in fellowship with ELDONA, then back in the LCMS.

 Jay Webber (ELS) and Jon-Boy Buchholz traveled to the Emmaus conference to promote OJ, which also tickles the granite heart of Matt the Fatt. Why did the professors stay away in droves? Why did three synods rely on these two yokels?

What staggered me was the realization that they were debating - again - even though both teach the same Objective Justification, the world being absolved of all sin, somehow without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith in Jesus Christ.

I use control-f on each issue of Calvinist News (nee Christian News, nee Lutheran News), looking for key words to see how the Walther worshipers are doing. The cub editor never lets these terms appear on the grace-infused pages of his tabloid:

  1. Justification by Faith
  2. The Means of Grace
  3. The Efficacy of the Word.
The terms in blue are basic to Biblical, Lutheran doctrine. Justification by Faith is named repeatedly in the New Testament and taught by the Holy Spirit with great clarity. Efficacy as a word-group in Greek is also used many times over and taught in various ways, such as Isaiah 55:8ff.
The Means of Grace serves as short-hand (like the Holy Trinity) for what the Scriptures teach - God's grace only coming to us through Instruments or Means - the invisible Word of teaching and preaching - and the visible Word of the Sacraments.

When ELCA pastors and professors speak of grace, they mean that the entire world is already forgiven. Like the WELS-LCMS-ELS OJists, the concept of faith makes ELCA angry, but they normally tiptoe around their Helen of Troy to avoid unpleasantness.

Robert Preus' last book, edited posthumously by Rolf and Daniel, includes many quotations devastating to the foolish cause of Objective Justification. Rolf tried to deny this, but when he gave his Dakota lectures, he failed to cite Justification and Rome.

So why does Rolf argue with Charles Austin? Neither one seems to concede their mutual unfaith, their dogma from the Halle and Norwegian Pietists, their repudiation of the Scriptures and the Book of Concord.

My other puzzlement is how clergy can be so offended by - and against - the King James Version but let these Scriptural blasphemies rule their lives and their dying synods. 

Robert Preus' dying words can be read in the graphics below.

 Ft. Wayne and Wayne Mueller - a merger of false teachers. 

 The rank stupidity of J. P. Meyer has been endorsed by the new edition of his work, editing by Panning, the New Testament professor.

Has anyone read a more astonishing rah-rah for Universalism?

 It's time for you to make a decision for OJ.

 Valleskey's legacy - to make J. P. Meyer took relatively wise.

 Here is the start of it all in the Synodical Conference, which has united all Lutherans with ELCA.