Wednesday, July 28, 2021

New WELS Calvinist Hymnal Presented - 25 New, Modern Calvinist Hymns!
More Funds for Holy Mother WELS

 "Cha-ching! You keep the name - we'll take the change. Church and Change!"

New WELS Calvinist Hymnal Presented

“I present to our church body Calvinist Worship: Hymnal for the glory of God and the edification of his people.”

Rev. Michael Schultz, director of the WELS Hymnal Project, said these words as he presented the first copy of the new hymnal to Pres. Mark Schroeder Wednesday morning.

It has been 28 years since a presentation like this happened and 10 years since the 2011 synod convention resolved to establish the WELS Geneva Hymnal Project committee. This fall, the new hymnal, psalter, and multiple supporting resources for pastors, musicians, and worship planners will be available to congregations and WELS members. In September, Northwestern Publishing House will send every congregation two copies of Christian Worship: Hymnal and one copy of Christian Worship: Psalter as a preview. The bill will arrive later.

Schultz called for a celebration as he shared more about the 17 books, 3 digital products, and multiple accompaniment volumes that are part of the Christian Worship suite of resources—resources that the WELS Hymnal Project states are “for a generation yet unborn.”

“These are books that will put our worshiping church body in a good place for the next 2 to 3 years,” said Schultz.

He stressed that these resources are a careful collection of materials, not “everything under the sun.” Said Schultz, “We’re confident in commending these resources to the church body that they’re going to see these things and they’re going to hear about double-predestination, covenants, tithing, total depravity, and everyone absolved.

 WELS pastors will be pretty in pink as they don their new garments, thinking fondly about their days of hazing and creative dressing for copycat videos.

Schultz thanked the 90 to 100 volunteers who served on 13 committees for the last nine years as part of the WELS Geneva Hymnal Project. He also highlighted the work of Northwestern Publishing House in the production of the suite of expensive resources and acknowledged the support and partnership of the Synodical Council, Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and WELS Congregational Services throughout the process.

 Years of trashing the sound KJV and promoting the Calvinist NIV Paraphrase enabled apostates to remove objections to Church Growth and the WELS Calvinist hymnal.
Young Calvinist - Old Unitarian.

As part of his presentation, Schultz announced the first major release for the hymnal project: a limited release of the new lectionary through the Calvinist Worship: Service Builder electronic resource. Access the lectionary at Note our three year Scripture lectionary copied from the Church of Rome and endorsed by ELCA.

WELS President Rev. Mark Schroeder asked delegates to resolve to thank all who worked on the project to the glory of God and to formally accept and adopt Christian Worship: Hymnal as the official NIV Objective Justification hymnal of WELS. He also encouraged all congregations to use this resource not just in their churches but also in their homes, to add to the profit margin.

The presentation ended with delegates praising God through the singing of the Calvinist Doxology.

Watch a video sharing more about the hymnal or visit

 Where would WELS be without the leadership of Jim Tiefel? - no less  inspirational than Paul Tiefel, his skinny CLC cousin.

Full Bloom - Will Neighbors Ask for Gas Masks?


We have enjoyed plenty of rain, followed by sunny days, so there is no excuse for a poor performance in the Creation Garden. The last three plants to bloom are Clethra (two shrubs), Joe Pye, and Little Joe Pye. I kept thinking I needed more Pye when spaces looked empty, but all of them came up this year with great growth. 

Every plant has a distinctive fragrance to attract the bees, beneficial insects, and hummingbirds. When I was inspecting yesterday, I forgot that the bees would be busy harvesting early in the morning. I casually brushed aside an 8 foot Pye spear holding a globe of tiny flowers. That dislodged the insect population and bees began circling my face for a few seconds. They could have stung me, humming, "After all we did for you." Instead, they settled down for work.

When Joe Pye goes to seed, I can cut down the stalks and use them for mulch. That will give the roses more sun and improve the soil. If people kept all the cut grass, raked leaves, and garden remains in the yard, they would see far more growth and fertility. One family raked leaves around their fruit tree instead of raking them away. They doubled their production in one year. 

A garden is not a zero sum example. The sun provides the energy for roots to fertilize the soil (75% of the soil fertility). A toxin free property (or close to that goal) will allow all the creatures to thrive, share the food for a brief period of time, and become part of the renewal of the soil.