Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Lutheran Librarian Has a Song for Everyone


Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
Give me that old time religion,
It's good enough for me.

1 It was good for Loy and Luther,
It was good for Loy and Luther,
It was good for Loy and Luther,
It's good enough for me. [Refrain]

2 It was good for the Lenski students,
It was good for the Lenski students,
It was good for the Lenski students,
It's good enough for me. [Refrain]

3 It was good for Arndt and Jacobs,
It was good for Arndt and Jacobs,
It was good for Arndt and Jacobs,
It's good enough for me. [Refrain]

Friday, September 24, 2021

Plant It and Flowers Will Come


These large alliums have various names, like Globemaster. The flowers come in many varieties, often smaller, with various colors, and attract bees like crazy. The bulbs all have that garlic fragrance. 

I put a couple of small boxes in the library and closed the door overnight. This morning I wondered what happened in that room. "Oh! That is garlic!" (I talk to myself whenever I need expert advice.) The fumes came from some alliums I ordered, the aroma coming out of the bulbs, through the packages, out of the cardboard box, trapped in the room.

Hair Allium

I moved the alliums into a larger room with more air circulation. Our helper came over to help in the gardening labors today. The recent rain made digging clay much easier. I took over the alliums, leaving specialty daffodils for the center part of the Rose Garden. 

Daffodils are another easy choice to make. Few animals eat or dig them up. They multiply on their own and brighten up the spring. Sadly, this is not tulip country, so I do not order them.

As a member reminded me, Minnesota was perfect for hardy (fall planted) bulbs. They not only tolerate cold - they demand cold. Gladiolas are tender (spring planted) bulbs, and they will come back again the next year - in this area. 

God's Creation is on full display in the garden. Each plant and animal has a purpose-driven life, engineered to do its job, to repair damage, and to flourish with its brethren and sistern. 

True bulbs are already flowers encased in plant material and food for the journey upward. I am watering all the planted bulbs now, so hydrate, put out their roots, and begin to reach the surface.

Weather in the spring will trigger their blooms at divinely designated times. The varieties are great fun to watch in a garden where someone keeps trying out different kinds, sizes, and attributes.

Sassy came outside and guarded our work, as she always does. She finds the low level birdbath a perfect drinking source, so she reminds me to keep it clean and full for her. Others must benefit because I pour in a gallon a day into it after cleaning.

Trumpet Vine and a Hummingbird

Everyone loves to sit on the porch and look at the birds, squirrels, hummingbirds, and bees. Christina came out as often as possible. Sassy always parks herself in front of the porch sitters, looking for food and attention. If everyone praises her and tosses some cracker, she is happy.

A senior in high school comes by often, and she gets a rose to take home (two houses down). Mrs. Gardener comes by to offer extra desserts from her latest expert effort.

Enchanted Peace is blooming more than anyone could hope - in its first year.

 Enchanted Peace

What Did the Denominations Expect To Grow from Sowing Weed Seeds?


First of all, it is all about the Benjies, not filthy lucre in the future, but right here, right now. Easy money, tax-free perks, the chance to bully others. 

Please refer to that again as I describe how the denominations work - not just the apostate Lutherans - ELCA, WELS, ELS, LCMS, CLC (sic). The Lutherans were just the last ones to line up in destroying their own congregations, fouling their own nests (aka seminaries), and promoting annual once-in-a-lifetime giving campaigns.

 Isn't this the new church Glende demanded and then abandoned, 
only to make him senior clown in Freedom?

 How many Mequon graduates can boast about leaving two churches in the same area?

As one observer noted, Calvinists become Unitarians, due to their rejection of the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace. Young Calvinist, Old Unitarian is not only true for individuals but also for denominations. Lutheran-Reformed bodies - like the Evangelical and Reformed - succumb more slowly, especially when the Lutheran (Evangelical) side is stronger. However, the urge to be ecumenical, motivated by gubmint and foundation Benjies - will always homogenize the mix and make sure everyone is equally indifferent to Biblical doctrine.

The dates when this began are:

  • The 1880s for Evolution and replacing the KJV Bible, 
  • The 1930s for cleverly blaming the Depression on the lack of Social Gospel political agitation.
People imagine they have a say in their denominations, but they do not. The process comes down to getting a nincompoop on the advisory committee of five people, then adding two more, then five out of five - because "God compels them" or "justice demands" or some other silly slogan. The committee eventually has the power to overturn everything and they carry out their agenda.

  1. How else to explain the Lutheran bodies becoming enemies of the one Bible translation associated with the efforts of Team Luther? Benjies!
  2. Or the continued downward trend of so-called Lutheran hymnals? Benjies!
  3. Or the switch from Judeo-Christian worship practices to entertainment? Worship teams and bands expect big bucks but organists were offered a pittance. Koine expects $3,000 just to show up. Benjies!
  4. Criminal clergy and teacher behavior is covered up, erased, and forgotten, but those who question Holy Mother Church are ridiculed, expelled, and shunned for life. Benjies for bullies!
Pastors are cross-dressing instead of bearing the cross.

"If I ever get my hands on the pastor who gave Jackson my statement on Luther..."

I have known the leaders and targets of various denominations calling themselves Lutheran but really full of the Immaculate Church spirit. Therefore, I have also seen their behavior at close range in flunking men out of seminary, pushing men out of the parish, and building a wall of lies around their buddies. They have been sowing weed seeds for decades and now the harvest is abundant but sterile. Yes, the crop is astonishing in its productivity. "Join our Calvinist hymnal of the month club and be blessed!" But the produce provides nothing more than more weeds, no fruit, no faith in Jesus Christ. 

 Thrivent Giving Counselors (licensed agents) have turned your family estates into Irrevocable Charitable Trusts.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Sassy Is Still Training Me


As I told Ranger Bob today, Sassy taught this old dog (me) a new trick. For 10 years she has always gone to the treat room, the bathroom, for a treat and a stay while no one else was in the house. 

Yesterday, I got a Pup-eroni out and said, "Time for the treat room, Sassy." She did not budge. I walked over to her spot on the bed and hustled her off. I herded her toward the treat room and she dodged me to go back to the bed.

She has made a big deal about jumping up on the bed, even with the legs off to make it shorter and easier. Several tries normally end up with a lot of celebratory "Woofs!" However, she just walked up to the bed and hopped onto it. No drama queen business - she meant it.

The clincher was this - she turned her ears backward to show that was her last word. I first experienced that with Sacky, who was 100% Cattle Dog, not 50% like Sassy. When I told Sacky that I would not throw her toy (a squeaking foot) unless she brought it all the way back to my hands, she turned her ears back the same way. After making some agonized noises, leading up to a shudder and a Whoop!, Sacky delivered the toy into my hands. 

But Sacky could be immovable at times. So this was Sassy the Cattle Dog and German Shepherd, laying down the gauntlet, here I sit, I can do no other. I said, "OK girl, leave everything alone." She did, and I gave her a second chance today. No problems.

Sassy rounds up our neighbors' two dogs, Atlas and Alaska, puppies known for their size and mischief. Sassy found Atlas in our yard again, and we began herding the puppy back to her home. The dad came out and said, "We heard you calling Atlas and I said - not again!"

Atlas was repeating her prancing around in circles as we moved toward home base. We had some laughs over the two dogs' behavior, so the owner said, "I'll get Alaska." With Atlas in the yard, Alaska came bounding out of the house, licking my hand, asking Sassy for chase, coming back, jumping up for a kiss on my face. So much fun! Time magazine, not good for anything now, once labeled dogs The Eighth Wonder of the World.

 We were included in Sassy's photo-shoot. Ranger Bob got his own 10 x 14 fancy framed photo. Sassy explodes in joy when he phones or knocks on the door. 

Needed -- Carl Gausewitz 1917 English/German Catechism


 The Jeske Crime Family threw Gausewitz under the bus, demolishing WELS' tenuous hold on the Chief Article of the Christian religion, Justification by Faith.

I gave ELDONA's translator a Gausewitz when he was trying to force a debate with Jon-Boy Buchholz.

If someone has a 1917 Gausewitz small catechism, English or German, please loan me a copy so we can have a PDF to share. I will be glad to send it back.

 Like Jay Webber, Jon-Boy is an Enthusiast.

 Useful idiots have kept Floyd Luther Stolzenburg in the role of fake pastor. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Historical Novel - Riders of the North Star - By the Daughter of Augustana College's President, Andreen - a Yale PhD and Full Professor


Gustav Andreen, PhD Yale, Head of Scandinavian Languages at Yale, took on the role of helping Augustana College in Rock Island become established. Since some leaders wanted Andreen ordained, he took all the courses of the seminary and was ordained. The future Mrs. Jackson lived in Andreen Dormitory.

Andreen's daughter, Esther Albrecht, was my mother's good friend and supervised student teaching at Augustana, including Christina and Maria Ellenberger. Esther asked, "Are you going to teach, Greg?" I said, "Never!"

 Esther Albrecht wrote the historical novel pictured above, and I have a signed copy. I just began reading it yesterday, thinking a Deere friend might be interested.  She lived 1896 to 2001. She was born in New Haven, at Yale, like our son.

Eric Norelius studied at the current Trinity Seminary ELCA, in Columbus, Ohio. His education profoundly inspired Augustana College and Seminary - and the Augustana Synod.

Ichabod readers will recognize the Columbus Seminary as the home of Loy, Leupold, and Lenski - all teachers of inerrancy - unlike the frauds of WELS, ELS, LCMS, and CLC (sic) today.

Esther Andreen Albrecht - in her twenties.

Two Forces Are at Work


 Even the wind knows. "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." John 3:8

Two forces seem at work at all times. One says, "That is the way it is, has always been, and will ever be, no matter what everyone says at the moment."

The other one says, "We must change everything, because tradition has held us back, blinded us, chained us, and imposed horrible punishments against us - like the Four Freedoms."

The Creation Garden is apolitical, since it is under divine management and only knows the engineering built into it, since "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:3)

The birds have packed their bags and left for more suitable weather, because that is what they always do. The invention of the hummingbird feeder has kept more of them in the States, but most other birds are snowbirds elsewhere, though called "winter residents" by those with more sensitive feelings. Yes, I heard a snowbird say, "We are not snowbirds. We are winter residents." 

If the process of correction continues at this pace, where everyone is attacked by anyone who is woke, I will be almost perfect in a few decades.

People are in a state of wonder and almost inert at the idea each plant has its own schedule, strengths, weaknesses, and demands. Daffodils will do everything needed when planted in the fall, except rise above the soil and bloom. The bulbs form roots, swell up with moisture, and send the flower toward the surface, only to wait out winter. Depending on the variety, the flower will finish its work and bloom in the spring, then work on doubling the bulb beneath the soil.

Lutheran leaders saw how much fun the other denominational bosses were having, tossing away the mildewed and cobwebbed past, welcoming the insights of Marxists, Universalists, and anarchists, as long as the bishops and their acolytes were obeyed, honored, and well paid. One cleverly forced Fuller Seminoids on the rest of his district while maintaining the strength of tradition in his own parish. Likewise, he stole back the property and funds of a parish after expelling it and giving it freedom years before.

The only problem with the new order is that nothing bears the stamp of Creation, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, or the Faith of Christ. Nothing works anymore and each denomination is like a used car that only has motion when pushed to a steep hill, crashing near the bottom.

 "Another Fuller seminar! Woo Pig Sooie!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Former ELDONUT To Pay Fine of 809.5 Million for Denying Baylor Is Babtist


 "Overall I liked the beard requirement, but I didn't like being forced to deny the Babtist identity of Baylor University. Like, who does that?"

Plant Them And It Will Rain


Time after time, I have planted in the hopes of rain coming. Or, to be frank, as the synod politicians say, I hoped for some back-up showers after planting. This morning I woke up to a Florida style cloudburst. 

Sassy knew it was going to rain for a long time, before we went to bed, because she went out in heavy rain for her post-prandial. Something told her it be would an all-night rain. She is seldom wrong. She will not leave the front porch for a walk, if she knows it will rain, but she gladly follows me when it looks like rain, but her senses say "Fake report."

Knowing the fickleness of weather reports, I hoped for some rain. Some very small Clethra shrubs just came, and I wanted to give them a sunny home with access to water. I ordered them when everything was different, only a few months ago.

Yesterday, step one was watering the old blackberry patch because the soil was more like an earthen parking lot than a place to dig.

The shrubs were soaking in chlorine free water while the old bramble patch was being watered. I filled one dry rain-barrel with Springdale dam water to let the chlorine evaporate out. When I planted them, they were hydrated and ready more growth. The holes were easy to dig. The shrubs were surrounded with newsprint to keep weeds away and soil moist, then water with more of the chlorine free water. 

Knowing the stealth and hunger of rabbits and squirrels, I surrounded each shrub with a plastic collar and doubled-down with wire fencing to confuse or amuse, baffle and frustrate the freeloaders. I have seen new plants pulled out of the ground the day after I dug them in. The last victim was a colorful basil plant, one out of four. 

This morning, when I looked out at the rain, a possum was slowly moving near the door. He noticed the change in light and slowly headed away. He is another likely garden thief, but he is good at collecting what the squirrels and rabbits miss.

Ranger Bob  looked the Rose Garden and asked, "Why did you cut down all the Joe Pye and leave that one up?"

I said, "I was waiting for you to ask that question." He laughed. The last tall stand and the butterfly garden were the last areas to be trimmed. Across the Rose Garden the newly scalped Pyes were sending up fresh leaves. They no longer crowd the eight-foot-tall Clethras in the roses, and now the roses will bloom more with rain and sun.

Psalm 126

When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.

3 The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.

4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south.

5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

When I look over the garden spaces, I do not think of all the losses from drought, cold,

predation, and my own mistakes, I see what remains.

Monday, September 20, 2021

A Place for Church Growth Experts To Live in Retirement


Walking, Walnuts, and Those Foods Mom Urged upon Us


 My parents used me to sell donuts to other kids and their parents. I did not object.

 Donuts can make someone skinny, with a good Photoshop.

Harvard Medical School has a free health newsletter and encourages people to buy their mini-courses on a given subject, such as blood pressure. Often the newsletter alone is enough, and it certainly brings up the main themes often.

One is that the #1, A+, undeniable benefit to health is the daily walk. That was the reason for getting Sassy, to have a high energy dog anxious to exercise. Besides, she had a face on the rescue website that demanded love and an immediate adoption. A funny statement about just walking is - "No matter how slowly you walk, you are moving faster than the person sitting on the couch."

Sassy and I are still eager to spend some time walking in the morning, as we did today.  We usually get a supper time walk, when cooling breezes begin. She knows the weather better than two websites I examine. She will not leave the front porch if it is going to rain, but she will leave when it is just a token threat.

One of our members (name withheld) got me started on walnuts, although the lure of ice cream with walnuts dampened the overall positive effect. The best walnut ice cream in the world is nothing like vanilla ice cream with fresh walnuts halves on it. 

The doctor told our member to eat walnuts every day. I use them with chili and chicken pot pies as a delicious addition to predictable food. 

The factory oil industry (margarine, Crisco - from cotton seed oil!) was so good at making people afraid of butter and natural oils. Now people realize that fish oil, nut oil, and butter are good for them.

Crisco and margarine remind me of Paul Newman's foods - no sugar added - because they use high fructose corn syrup as a prime ingredient.

I will be writing more about this in the future and chart my struggles with ice cream addiction, donut downers, and sugar challenges.

Skinny bakers scare people - "Doesn't he like his own products?"
As people notice from various Melo Cream photos, people were far more slender those days.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2021. The Widow's Son.


 Jan Verhas - Jesus Raising the Widow's Son

Video of entire Trinity 16 communion service.

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2021

Hymn # 16            Blessed Jesus At Thy Word               
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16

Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto Thee daily.
For Thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive: 
and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee.
Psalm. Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, hear me: 
for I am poor and needy.

The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19

Lord, we pray Thee that Thy grace may always go before and follow after us and make us continually to be given to all good works; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth, etc.

The Epistle and Gradual       

The heathen shall fear the name of the Lord: 
and all the kings of the earth Thy glory.
V. When the Lord shall build up Zion: 
He shall appear in His glory. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
V. Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: He is their Help and their Shield. Hallelujah!

The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22

God's Declaration of Divine Power

The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
Hymn #657             Beautiful Savior   

                    Prayers and Announcements
  • In therapy - Randy Anderson, Mary Howell, John Hicks.
  • Recovery from surgery - Anita, Zach Engleman's mother.
  • In school, Enzo Meyer at Grand Canyon University (100,000 students, 20,000 in Phoenix); Andrea Anderson.
  • The first video has been posted on YouTube. More are on the way. We will consider a second platform, just because.

 Norma A. Boeckler's artwork

KJV Ephesians 3:13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

KJV Luke 7:11 And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. 12 Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. 13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. 14 And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. 15 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. 16 And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. 17 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.


Lord God, heavenly Father, who didst send Thy Son to be made flesh, that by His death He might atone for our sins and deliver us from eternal death: We pray Thee, confirm in our hearts the hope that our Lord Jesus Christ, who with but a word raised the widow's son, in like manner will raise us on the last day, and grant us eternal life: through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

God's Declaration of Divine Power

Background, Gospel Lesson, Luke 7:11-17
Rationalism is not just an old and forgotten philosophy, but lives on as a current, raging one, always reducing God's Creation to a series of normal changes - so no one is offended. I heard a seminary professor in Canada say, "What is disease? It is dis-ease (an emotional difficulty)." So it is all in our heads? This definition comes in handy for those wolves in sheep's clothing who define miracles in the Gospels as examples of people who were so overjoyed that they no longer had this dis-ease. People find many ways to turn miracles into non-miracles. Jesus saw the distress of the widow and raised her son with His powerful Word. Since every element, plant, animal, human, stars and planets came into being only through this Word, it must be very powerful. 

Scholars say the Bible uses mytho-poetic terminology to explain great events or matters beyond our comprehension. I would say, "Yes, but so do the scientists." Astronomers say that in a black hole star, the density is so great that a teaspoon weighs as much as a mountain." No one stops to say, "How many black hole stars have been sampled with a teaspoon?" So there is awe in the description but not awe for the Creator. Many astronomers are believers. Many medical doctors are, too. When I sold a booklet through the mail, about writing for Christian publications. Most responses came from women, but the men who asked for the booklet were MDs. All of them.   

KJV Luke 7:11 And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people.

Chemnitz makes the point in the Examination of the Council of Trent, volume 1, that Jesus first established His role with teaching and miracles. That is what the apostles took with them in their journeys, the miracles they experienced and the divine preaching of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  The Gospel Word established congregations around the Roman Empire and the apostles wrote down what they were preaching.

The Old Testament served as the earliest example of the Scriptures, which was necessary, even for Gentiles like most of us, because Jesus taught Himself at the end of Luke, how He could be found in:
  1. The Books of Moses
  2. The Prophets, and
  3. The Psalms.
I have to wake up the Old Testament students to the fact that the OT purpose is not ancient history but to lay the groundwork of Jesus' public ministry and to show it happening already before their eyes. "And the Rock that followed them was Christ."  1 Corinthians 10:4

When Jesus traveled, He was met by people who already knew His ministry and what He did (the rumor, or report, Isaiah 53). They crowded Him so badly that He needed to get away from that crush - often. Mark is especially emphatic about that. Mark 1 - Why are you praying, Jesus? We have work to do.

The people came to Jesus for miracles, but this was different. Why devote space to this? One reason is the power of Christ over death. But with that miraculous power is something else - God showing us His mercy and pity and giving us what we cannot even imagine. That is the two-fold story of the widow's son.

12 Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her.

They were carrying a young man out of the city because burial was away from the city normally. He was the only son of a widow, so now she was in total despair. Luther speaks of this in a universal way - the woman lost her husband, but she did not need to worry because her son would provide for her. When we have something, we take it for granted and do not even thank God for what He has given us.

We do not appreciate sight until glaucoma and cataracts cause trouble. Then we say, Oh, I would love to have that sight back. 

We look at the advantages of others and think, "If only I had those talents!" But we do not thank God for the talents He has given us. It is the nature of special gifts in us that we see them as common. When she had her son, she probably said, "Pick up your room. Help clean the house. Look at what a delicious meal I made for us."

13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. [Lenski - Stop sobbing!]

This is important for all of us. The widow only thought of the burial and her losses. She was weeping copiously. Jesus did not respond to a prayer or to any request, in spite of His fame. What could He do? He felt sorrow for her loss. He acted without being asked, because of this compassion. And that is no different for us. He was walking toward His own sorrow and doom, letting His friend die as the trigger for the crucifixion, when He raised Lazarus from the dead. That is disclosed only in John's Gospel, because the Fourth Gospel completes or explains many episodes of the first three Gospels. It is true that sorrow became joy with Lazarus, but when Jesus saw the tomb carved from stone, He trembled violently, as we do when a crisis hits us hard. He was looking at His own tomb, in a sense, that would soon be given to Him, knowing the torture, betrayal, and pain ahead.

Yet he stopped to give this young man back to his mother.

14 And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. 

So great was the power they felt that when Jesus touched makeshift hearse, the men stopped. There is always a divine action to show us how He worked His miracles. They were different in many special ways. The Word of God breathed life back into the young man, with one simple imperative - Young man, I command you, arise.

That is all it takes for God to work His miracles, to give and sustain life, to heal, to keep a disaster from happening. His holy angels assist, especially with children, because there is never enough human help to watch over every child. Why is there a saying that God watches over children? We see so many spared from harm, injury, and death. If someone is born short of our normal menu of abilities, God blesses that child with special abilities. 

I have mentioned the son of a classmate from Moline. He is so fragile that people were told not to kiss him, which was so tempting because of his charm and love. He is still living and being quite normal in his own way with his two brothers. That is very special for him, his brothers, his parents, and the wider circle. The mother wrote on FB - My son is rare.

15 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother.

Luke is especially eloquent, often with simple words. The young man sat up and spoke, which proved his change from death to life. He no longer belonged to the grave, so Jesus gave him to his mother. This verse is a tear-jerker, with such simple words inspired by the Holy Spirit.

If she was not sobbing enough, the immediate change would have had her sobbing with joy instead. Anyone can picture that.

16 And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.

This fear was natural because they suddenly saw death turned into life. They were not blind to the nature of Christ. He exuded that power at times, and this was a dramatic reminder of what His Word could accomplish. I can imagine the slow thinkers saying, "I heard of this man, but I never thought... Could it be?"

The lazy-minded liberal rationalists say, "See, Jesus was only a prophet in the eyes of the people, not the Son of God." He was only a teacher and a prophet, so they made Him out to be the Son of God and the Savior-Messiah-King.

It is difficult to translate those words into such Unitarian-Calvinistic reason. They saw a dead man come to life because of the Word of Christ. He was given many titles in the Bible. The three resurrection miracles recorded for us would explain - by themselves - why He was acclaimed Messiah, Son of David, when He entered Jerusalem. Maybe I am dense, but "God has visited His people" seems like a direct reference to Jesus.

17 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.

17 και εξηλθεν ο λογος ουτος [this Word] εν ολη τη ιουδαια περι αυτου [about Him] και εν παση τη περιχωρω

I like the KJV "this rumor" [literally this Word] because a story like this moves quickly through the population. Rumors are not necessarily false; they are stories quickly told and passed around because they are exciting, fearful, or wonderful.

Romans 10:16 - Isaiah 53 - Who has believed the report they heard? Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Oracle of God.

This is a faith giving and faith supporting miracle. The more we see tragedy, misery, reversals, failures, difficulties, pain and suffering, the more we should turn to this miracle and ask, "What did this woman ask? Nothing. She could not imagine what God could do and then saw it and heard her son's voice. Not only that, hundreds and thousands of people believed because of it.

That is what God can do.

Luther's Sermon on Jesus Raising the Widow's Son - Luke 7

Luke 7:11 And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. 12 Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. 13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. 14 And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. 15 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. 16 And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. 17 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about.


1. In this Gospel you see how the Evangelist again presents to us a divine miracle, by which he desires to move us to lift our hearts to God, in which is the same state of things as at the time existed in this woman; for to-day’s lesson was not written for the sake of this widow, but for the instruction and help of all who should hear this Gospel until the end of the world, among whom we also have been reckoned. 

2. In the first place notice what lovingkindness and grace were shown to this woman by Christ. We must truly confess she did not merit them; for she is going out of the city with her friends, where there is nothing but crying and weeping. The good woman thought of nothing as little as that she should again lead back her son into the city alive, and for this reason she does not desire it, nor does she ask it, much less has she deserved it. She never thought of such a thing that Christ should come hither; yea, she did not at the time know Christ nor did she know anything of his helping the people. Here all merit and preparations for meeting him are out of the question. 

3. Now all this has been written to the end that just as here this deed of mercy befell this widow freely and entirely of grace, only because it solicited Christ’s sympathy, so from this we can draw the general rule that applies to all the merciful deeds of God, that they all overtake us without our merits, even before we seek them. He lays the foundation and makes the beginning. But why does he pity us? In this way it continues to be the grace of God. Otherwise, if we deserved it, it would not be grace. And if it be of grace, then we can say to him: Thou art a gracious God, thou doest good also to them who deserve it not.

4. This sermon seems easy to us, but where are they who mean it with their heart? If we believed that everything comes to us from God’s grace and mercy, we would daily run and rejoice, our hearts would continually rise and dwell in heaven. When we once get to heaven we will see that this is true. Now no one believes it. The god of this world, the devil, has such great power on earth that we do not see the work of God nor know it. 2 Corinthians 4:4 Therefore we do not appreciate it, we misuse God’s mercies, and are entirely unthankful to him. 

5. If I only kept in mind that he gave me eyes, truly a very great treasure, it would be no wonder if shame caused my death, because of my ingratitude in that I never yet thanked him for the blessing of sight. But we do not see his noble treasures and gifts; they are too common. But when a blind babe happens to be born, then we see what a painful thing the lack of sight is, and what a precious thing even one eye is, and what a divine blessing a healthy, bright countenance is: it serves us during our whole life, and without it one would rather be dead; and yet no one thanks God for it. Examine the entire body, and you will everywhere see traces of God’s grace and goodness. Hence Psalm 33: says: “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” He had pure eyes and could see far, that the whole world was full of the goodness and loving-kindness of God. From whom, however, has this goodness come? Have we deserved it? No, but it pleased God to cast his gifts thus promiscuously into the world, which the unthankful receive almost as freely as the thankful. We are grieved when we are obliged to throw away one or two dollars, or less, or even to give them to the poor; how much does God daily cast away of his goods into the world and no one thanks him for anything? Yes, who even acknowledges their receipt? 

6. Thus we may observe all creatures and become convinced of God’s goodness in them. Christ says in Matthew 5:5: “He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” As though he would say: I give it to the whole crowd; but who thanks me a single time for it? He enlightens my and your eyes, but no one acknowledges that it is God’s blessing. If some morning the sun should not rise, or rise three hours late, what distress and loss would that cause? How we would open our mouths and eyes? Then everyone would say: God be praised and thanked, who has given us such a light! But since it occurs daily, that the sun rises and shines at the appointed time, no one considers it a blessing. So it is with the rain from heaven, with the grain in the field and with all God’s creatures. They exist in such abundance, and we are daily so overwhelmed by their abundance that we fail to see them. 

7. At times God permits some man to fall into anxiety and need, into pain and distress, so that the world seems as though it had no God, and it makes a person blind, lame, dropsical, and lets anyone die, as here the widow’s son; for they are his creatures, he can do with them what he will. Now, why does he do this? He does it in such an abundance only that we may continually experience his lovingkindness. Therefore as the disciples in John 9: asked the Lord concerning the man blind from his birth, whether he or his parents sinned, the Lord answered and said: “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” As though he would say: God desires to be praised in this blind person, for he sees that the treasures of the whole world do not move us, wherefore he floods us with his goodness out of pure grace, that he may present a blind person before our eyes, for us to see what a costly treasure we have in the blessing of our sight, although we cannot recognize his grace and kindness in our fortune, that we at least might know and identify them then in our misfortune. Therefore this man had to be blind in order that the others might know themselves, and say: Alas thou good God, what a precious gift I have, what a good thing a healthy body is and a bright countenance! But no one takes it to heart! Yea, it is true we say: have not the cows eyes also! Now, if you were blind you would of course feel the loss, which you do not now feel, because you are well and overshowered with God’s blessings. 

8. So it was in the case of this widow, in whom God lets himself be known, as to what kind of a God he is, what he thinks of us, and what we must think of him. This woman has two misfortunes around her neck. First, she is a widow. This is misfortune enough for one woman, that she is forsaken and alone, and has no one to whom she dare look for comfort. And therefore God in the Scriptures is often mentioned as the Father of the widow and orphans, as in Psalm 68:6 and Psalm 146:9: “God setteth the solitary in families. The Lord preserveth the strangers and orphans, he delivers the widow.” Again: she has an only son about to die, who should have been her comfort. Now, God comes and takes away her husband and 1 son. She had much better have lost house and home, yes, her own life, than her son and husband. But the Lord turns it around. While the husband lived the woman did not appreciate what a blessing a husband was; but when he died she first became aware of it. When he lived, she thought: O, other women have husbands, too! And thought her husband was like other husbands. But afterwards when he was dead, she became aware what kind of a man she had lost. So, too, when her son was bright and well, she did not appreciate the blessing of God, but as soon as he died, she then first saw what a treasure she had lost. Before she did not desire to spend on him; but now, since he is dead, she spends all she has and even herself upon him. And thus it is also with us. There are many of you who do not expend ten dollars that your child may be reared better; if the child dies the parents wish and say: O would to God he were alive, I would give many hundred dollars! Why did you not give something before that he might have learned a little? What is the reason you do not appreciate the grace and blessings of God? In short, the world remains world, and it will not change into anything else. 

9. Now, the woman went ahead and did not know what God had given her; but she was soon obliged to experience it. For before she turns around, and she thinks she is the safest, God comes, tries the wife a little and teaches her certain things, takes her husband and her son. This all has been written for us that we might have an example and learn to acknowledge God when he blesses us with a healthy body, a bright countenance, and bestows upon us other blessings. He does not give them to the end that you should rejoice in them; but that you may know what to think of him. When he takes a member out of your family, permits your wife to die, or destroys one of your eyes, all this is done that you may see what you have enjoyed from him. 

10. And this is now the common teaching through all the Gospels, that we may see what kind of a God we have. It is also shown us here in this Gospel that God will forsake no one; therefore he permits the wife to see in a new light what kind of a God she has. For when she was forsaken and had neither son nor husband, then Christ manifests himself to her and says: Learn to believe, trust God, know him to whom death and life are alike: have a good heart, be of good courage, weep not, there is no need of it. He then goes and awakens the dead, and gives him again to his mother.  

11. This and like miracles God does that the heart may learn how it should be disposed to him and what it may expect from him. As now this wife was fully convinced that there was no hope for her son, that it was impossible for her to receive him back alive again; yea, if one had said to her: Before an hour your son will be alive again, she would have regarded it as impossible and said: It is more possible for the heavens to fall than for my son to live again. Behold, here comes God before she looks around, and does what she never dared to ask of him, as it is impossible, and he restores her son alive to her again. But why does God do this? He permits man to fall so deeply into danger and anxiety, until no help or advice is within reach, and still he desires that we should not doubt, but trust in him who out of an impossible thing can make something possible, and make something out of nothing. If you are so deep in sin that your heart denies you all grace and the mercy of God and makes you think there is no hope for you, as many consciences are ensnared by such anxiety and distress; then turn about and look here how friendly and graciously God allows himself to be pictured by Christ in this Gospel; that you may observe that he means it well with you from his heart; and that he is not here either to condemn or excommunicate you, but to preserve your soul forever. For this purpose such miracles and wonderful works are held before our eyes, and they also serve to the end, that we may see. As God here helps this widow in a temporal way through Christ, so he will help us not only bodily, but much more spiritually, and our soul forever, if we only put our hope in him. 

12. But all miracles and works of God are considered impossible in our eyes, and they are also impossible for the natural man to grasp; and this is to the end that God may be confessed to be an almighty Creator, who from something impossible can create something possible, and can make something out of nothing. It is impossible after I am dead that I should live again; and even if I should pray to all the angels and all the saints for it; nothing will result from such prayers; what then can the free will accomplish? Nevertheless in death I should say: I shall live, not through myself, but because I know that my God is so skillful that he can make something, not out of wood that lies before my eyes, but it is his nature and way to make a thing possible here from something impossible; and create something out of nothing; otherwise he were not the true and real God. 

13. Therefore, if death be present and I can no longer live, I must still know enough to say: Yet I live, and will live; so that death, that is all about me, is like a spark of fire, and life is as great as the sea. Now reason cannot grasp how this takes place. But whoever believes, knows for a certainty that to him death will be like a spark of fire in the midst of the ocean, that is extinguished in a moment. God is almighty, he who believes is in God, therefore he is in life, and though he were in the midst of death. So too a poor person who believes, thinks like this one here in death: O! poverty is a spark of fire, and wealth is as abundant as water in the sea; now a moment only is needed for poverty to sink, and I will be rich; for by faith God has entirely changed him who now has all things in his power. So also with shame; when one’s good name and reputation go down, people think they will never again be regained; if you believe and hold to God, it is a matter only of a moment, and you are again in great honor. For our God knows the art that from invincible poverty he can create great riches, from great shame inexpressable honor. So it is also with sin, if you believe. Thus sin compared with righteousness, is as a spark of fire compared with the whole sea of water. 

14. This you see beautifully illustrated in the case of this woman. She is overwhelmed by exceedingly great pain and anguish, so that she thinks God, heaven, earth and all things are opposed to her. And since she looks into this with the eyes of sense, sees it as it is before her natural eyes, she must conclude it is impossible for her to be delivered from her great anxiety. But when her son was raised from the dead for her, she was as though the whole heaven and earth, wood and stone, and everything laughed and rejoiced with her; then she forgot all pain and suffering, this wholly disappeared just like a spark of fire is extinguished when it falls into the sea. Therefore it is written in the prophet Isaiah 54:6-8: “For Jehovah hath called thee as a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, even a wife of youth when she is cast off, saith thy God. For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In overflowing wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting lovingkindness will I have mercy on thee, saith Jehovah thy Redeemer.” But this I do not see, I think this moment is an eternal something before God; but it is in truth only a moment; and much joy follows as Psalm 8:5 also says: “For thou hast made him but little lower than God, and crownest him with glory and honor.” But this is still all hid from us, and we do not see it as this wife does. Her departed son is in the midst of life, for God has him in his bosom, and intends to wake him. There is a spark of death there that surrounds him, which no one saw. But now when he became alive that was revealed which before was hidden from the whole world. 

15. Thus God certainly deals also with us. Here we should learn the kind of God we have, namely, he who surrounds us and is about us in our very greatest dangers and troubles. Therefore, if one is poor, sticks deep in sin, lies in death, is in sorrows and other afflictions, he thinks: it is a transition state, it is a drop and a spark; for God has surrounded him on all sides with pure wealth, righteousness, life and joy, only he does not permit him to see it. But it is a matter of only a little time when we shall see and enjoy it. Thus you have here an example, not of faith, but of the pure grace and lovingkindness of God. Now we must also say a little on the spiritual understanding or the allegorical interpretation of to-day’s Gospel. 


16. All works and miracles that Christ does visibly and publicly should be interpreted to the end that they may show forth the works which he does among men unseen and spiritually or within them. Therefore this bodily death signifies the spiritual death of the soul, which man must believe. For no one can see into the soul of another while we live; but when we are dead, we then have other eyes, then we see that the whole world is dead. Therefore the Lord spoke to a Pharisee, Matthew 8:22, who first wanted to go and bury his father: “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.” 

17. This youth who is here being borne to his grave is bodily dead. But there are also some inwardly dead before God who still live here in the body. The soul is dead that does not believe in God and cleave to him. And even though he be in the midst of death, yet he lives, as I said above. 

18. This spiritual death occurs in a twofold manner: some are dead in their soul, but no one sees that death as we see bodily death, and this woman herself neither sees nor feels it. So the whole world is dead, but it realizes it not. Therefore some are also spiritually dead, who feel it well enough, as those whom the law has terribly punished. We do not here speak of those who care nothing for spiritual death; but of those who feel that they are dead and that their heart trembles, and who feel in their conscience that they have an unbelieving heart. He is dead quite otherwise than he who does not feel it, and yet always lives in wantonness. Now the one who does not experience their unbelief cannot be helped, for he does not know his sickness, and lives on, cares nothing for God nor the world. But he who feels this death, suffers misery and distress, there is struggling and despair, the world becomes too confined for him, he seeks assistance and advice, he despises neither stone nor wood, when they can afford him counsel, not to say that he should hear anything of man, even of the most insignificant person. 

19. Who now gives him this feeling. The law does it, in that it reveals sin. The law says: “Thou shalt have no other gods.” When I hear this, I must and should do it, but I cannot. Then I quickly conclude that I am condemned. When I act thus, death comes immediately and there is such a struggle in my heart, that if I should receive no help I would have to remain forever in this death and struggle. This then is the death of the only son, who lies in the bier, the pallbearers are continually carrying him into hell. 

20. The pallbearers are the preachers of the law, who do nothing else than plunge mankind ever deeper and deeper into death; as those here hasten to the grave with the dead they are the more terrified and driven the deeper into perdition. It never becomes better with mankind, yea, it is ever growing worse. 

21. This we have thoroughly experienced under the Pope, in our confession of and in our making satisfaction for sin. We allowed ourselves to think we would atone for our sins by good works; but it was only an anxiety of the conscience. Thus we ever sank deeper toward hell. Hence, when you have people, who fear sin and condemnation, they are already dead, you dare not preach to these much more of the law, you must show them the way of salvation and preach to them the Gospel. When our Papists meet such troubled souls, they refer them to rosaries, to pilgrimages, to this and that work; but one helps like the other. 

22. The pallbearers would have still moved on and laid the deceased in his grave and buried him, had Christ not come, so Christ must come also here with his Word and grace. And this now is that other office of the Gospel, which does not teach what you are to do; but whence you are to receive help, that you may do it; as Christ does here. He asks not, what is here? or how do you do this? do you wish to have the youth restored to life again, and the like? He asks none of these things; but he has mercy on the mother, goes to her, touches the bier, and the bearers soon stand still. That is, when  man preaches the goodness of God, and when Christ presents us with his merits and works, then the hand is laid upon the coffin, and the bearers stand still, that is, you no longer hear the preachers of the law, you no longer believe them; but you say: preach works here, preach works there, we have a different sermon. While our hands are on the coffin they accomplished nothing; the dead does not come to life again; but when Christ’s hand touches the coffin the mighty work is done. For when men hear that Christ’s work does it, and that his works are presented to us, he says: What need we to do beside? For here our doing is useless and in vain. 

23. But the dead will not be raised to life so quickly. The Word of God is of course preached to us, the goodness of God and whatever is given us through Christ; but this is not yet sufficient, this is only first touching the coffin. The voice of Christ in the heart must also be added, that we may believe the Word, that it is really as we preach. The youth does not immediately arise after he is touched, but when the Lord spoke: “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise!” This voice stirred the heart and caused the dead to rise to life. When I in like manner hear the Word, and allow human traditions to move me, men still bear me ever on and I ever remain in distress, it helps me little. I must besides the external sermon also hear this voice in the heart: “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise:” that is, I must believe this sermon, cleave to it with my heart, trust in it, and let neither sin, death, devil, nor hell draw me from it. 

24. Thus we have two sermons. One lays the hand on the bier. This does not yet accomplish anything. But the other, when the hand is laid on the coffin and the voice follows in the heart, this accomplishes all. The first proclaims to us the works of Christ, how they are done for us and given to us. But when the voice is heard in the heart, then the one who was before dead begins to speak and to confess the faith with his mouth which he believes and feels in his heart. That is, when the heart believes, the work of love follows, namely, that you speak, that is, preach to others and thank God for the blessing and faith he has shown and given unto you. 

25. From this follows great joy and thanksgiving, by which God is praised and exalted; just as here a great report about Christ went over the entire land of the Jews and into all the neighboring countries. Thus a Christian can lead many unto faith. Therefore man should not make a work of jugglery out of miracles and wonders, as the Papists have done.

26. This is said on to-day’s Gospel, in which we see how God helps and saves us, moved by pure grace and loving-kindness, without any merit or worthiness whatever on our part, yea, before we seek or request help from him. God grant that we may believe this!