Thursday, December 9, 2021

Not Every KJV Book Is a KJV Book


The new arrivals (books) came today - three of them. One is a Letis book from Baker Book House. Another is The King James Version at 400, a massive paperback. A promising name? Yes.

The book was published by the Journal of Biblical Literature, an egghead-funhouse for apostates, and the Nida Institute for Fractured Paraphrases.

I thought, "There may be loose nuggets of gold anyway." Wrong! My time with that book was not wasted, because the other side always gives something away when making its move. I learned that from Nimzowitsch's chess book. Every move threatens the opposition but also creates a weakness.

Every positive statement about the KJV included a smack in the face. Sure it was good, but not that good, and really "not up to our standards." 

In discussing the Church Growth fever of WELS-LCMS-ELCA-ELS-CLC (sic), I always found the direct quotations from Fuller and its bumblehead Lutheran followers to be the choicest. Oh, did that ever make the WELS bumbleheads howl with rage! One WELS pastor, more moved by the spirits than the Spirit, threw one of my CG essays in a fury and seemed to use a crude word. Thus affirmed and confirmed, I used it as the last chapter of Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure, published originally by WELS, a hot seller too.

One can see that the KJV-never crowd is spooked by the Majority Text and the English version of the Luther Bible, the Tyndale KJV.

Imagine how the synodical book sellers would fare if people knew they promoted books that were based on the frauds, forgeries, and lies of Tischendorf, Westcott, Hort, Nestle, Aland, and Nida. 

The thousands of manuscript finds prove that the Majority Text is apostolic, the modernist texts a leaning Towel of Babel. Like tourists staring at the Pisa Leaning Tower, we wonder why it - the Modernist Bible - has not yet fallen down.

The ESV is butchered - the RSV is butchered - the NRSV is butchered, but not all the same way. Their texts do not agree among themselves. The only thing they have in common is the National Council of Marxist Churches ownership. The NIV was owned by Rupert Murdoch and sold to another profiteer.

The KJV is still so treasured and the modernists fight for the scraps. The Lutheran sects stick with their bad choices and disagree about which paraphrase is the least bad. Missouri favors the NCC-ESV. WELS favors the Murdoch-stained NIV.

Grand Canyon University Continues to Freeze Its Tuition


These Are Books We Can Send To You Free - Thanks to Gifts to the KJV Project.
Learn the Bad Guys and the Good Guys!

 Tischendorf declared Sinaiticus (Aleph) to be
1500 years old, but the vellum (leather) was white and first.

 Aleph was conveniently made the first in the list of manuscripts.

David W. Daniels - Who Faked "The World's Oldest Bible?

This is full of details and background information about how Codex Sinaiticus was "found" and promoted by Tischendorf. Everything points to forgery. After all, the forger admitted it in a long letter to a London newspaper.

Daniels - Look What's Missing

The more we see what the modernists have removed from the New Testament, the more we realize what a scam they are running with the ESV, RSV, NRSV, NIV. 

Daniels is well informed about Eugene Nida's destructive work against the text and Nida's "dynamic equivalence" paraphrases (ESV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, etc etc).

Edward Freer Hills finished his PhD at Harvard after the University of Chicago blocked him.

Edward Freer Hills - The King James Version Defended

Hills had a stellar education at Yale and Harvard in languages and the text, but the modernists shut him down. He tutored the late T. Letis (below).

 Here is a good site with a lot of Letis material and videos.

Theodore Letis - The Ecclesiastical Text

Letis' book has some insightful reviews of other books, plus some rather heavy slogging on text criticism.

 Wilbur N. Pickering - clear and convincing

Wilbur Pickering - The Identity of the New Testament Text

This is the most readable book on the list. You do not need coffee to wake you up about the apostates trashing of the Majority Text and KJV. 

  1. I pick Pickering as the best place to start, 
  2. David Daniels as the author with the most books on these topics (all very readable), 
  3. Fuller as another collector of excellent Biblical, translation, and historical essays.


 David Otis Fuller

David Otis Fuller - Wheaton College, Princeton Seminary, WWII Navy Chaplain, collected conservative essays by various authors, all instructive, worthwhile, and easy to follow

Which Bible? - a series of articles about the Greek text, Dean Burgon, the Majority (Traditional) Text, Westcot-Hort's theories, the Catholic influence, and the Jesuits.

Counterfeit or Genuine Mark 16? John 8?

Burgon chapters on Mark 16 and John 8, another chapter on Mark 16, essay about Burgon.

True or False?

Article include: Pickering about Burgon, Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, the failed Revision of the KJV,


If you see one or two you would like to have, the KJV Project already has funds to send it free.

I need your address and phone number for ordering. Send your request to

You may order more from the list, but not all at once. 

 Barb and Kurt Aland ran the modestly named Aland Institute for Preserving the
Fraud of Tischendorf, Westcott, and Hort