“And Prof. Pieper’s exegetical axioms or theories, are equally at fault. That every doctrine must be fully stated and fully drawn from the passages considered as the sedes doctrinae, is utterly untrue. Where is the passage that teaches the full doctrine of the Trinity? Can he point it out? And if he thinks that taking into account what is taught in other passages in regard to matters involved in the doctrine set forth in the sedes doctrinae, though not expressly mentioned there, is the modern theory of the development of doctrine from certain germs and roots contained in the Bible, he as evidently does not know what this theory is, as it is manifest that he has not comprehended the argument which he criticizes.
Taken from Zur Wehre. (To Fight Back) By An Old Lutheran. in “Columbus Theological Magazine”, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 1881. Matthias Loy, Ed.
This is why CPH will sell Luther but not teach Luther. |
CPH would rather have people reading the phony Codex Vaticanus in the Gospel of Mark than teach the resurrection of Christ from the Apostolic tradition. |