I found a plant that grows, flowers, and multiplies, until it gets a bit cold. Hidden Lily grew, flowered, spread, and disappeared. |
The Military Gardening Group worked on a Ford truck. Sassy came along to keep track of everyone and to guard the operation. She always picks the best lookout position and watches everything. I was in a good spot to watch her paying attention to everything up and down and across the street.
My truck repair skills are limited to feeding the crew, which also includes Sassy. She is content until she can smell chicken warming up. When it is out of the oven, she does the starving puppy routine to perfection.
On a perfect day in the afternoon, we sit on the porch drinking pour-over coffee and commenting on the garden, flights overhead, and political topics. I do not believe anything on the news, so I am relatively quiet about the fake reporting.
The summer will provide a parade of flowers, humming birds, and rabbits to entertain us. Hawks overhead screech to stir up some grub for themselves. Once Sassy and I walked under a pair of red-tailed hawks sharing some. They looked at us like we were dessert. Another time a hawk stared me down at Almost Eden, the former gardening operation next door. We must have a sizeable rabbit population to keep hawks active here. The hawks do not control the rabbit population, the rabbit population limits the numbers of hawks. One hawk landed on our garbage barrel and gave me the raptor stink-eye. Birds were eerily silent for a time after that.
We started a major garden facelift not long ago. The spirea bushes and mountain mint were aggressive growers and not charming. Roses-gone-wild will be the next to go - after they show their wild rose flowers blooming after the producing canes have died.
This is one of the best gardening books ever, the best bug book ever. |