Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Faith Abused by the Cascione-Preus Gang

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Pastor Cascione (Cardinal)
Intermediate Member
Username: Cardinal

Post Number: 441
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 - 10:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

NEW LCMS Book “Faith Misused” a Misuse of the Bible
by Jack Cascione reclaimnews@earthlink.net

“Faith Misused,” another book in a series by Concordia Publishing House, designed to wean laypeople off the plenary inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy of the Bible.

“Faith Misused: Why Christianity Is Not Just Another religion,” by Rev. Dr. Alvin J. Schmidt, (published by CPH, St. Louis, 2022, 150 pages), has a forward by LCMS President, Matthew Harrison, and is endorsed, among others, by Concordia Seminary Exegetical Professor, Kevin S. Golden and Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary St. Catharines’ President, Paul Winger. Harrison’s endorsement is another reason he should not be re-elected as LCMS President.

For the full review email Reclaimnews@earthlink.net
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Pastor Cascione (Cardinal)
Intermediate Member
Username: Cardinal

Post Number: 444
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 - 11:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 - 11:15 am: Edit Post Delete Post Print Post
Anyone who would like to see the review of this book, please email reclaimnews@earthlink.net

In the book Dr. Alvie Schmidt claims -“Faith (Pistis) Became a Religious Principle and Exclusively Christian”

He sees no connection between Christian faith in the New Testament and Abraham. He offers no understanding of the inspiration, inerrancy, or infallibility of the text. He claims that faith is based on human senses. He claims that anyone who says faith is not based on the five senses is antibiblical. Welcome to CPH.
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Rolf David Preus (Rolf)
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Username: Rolf

Post Number: 10776
Registered: 5-2001
Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 - 11:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I read Pr. Cascione's review twice. I believe he has hit on something very important. It seems that apologetics has assumed a role in theology that it ought not have. God speaks to us through his Word. Faith is totally dependent upon God's Word. Evidence available to the senses does not and cannot elicit faith. Apologetics as a disciple serves an essentially negative role. It does not and cannot prove the Christian faith. But it can refute the various false teachings and teachers who attack the faith. Proving the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead does not elicit faith. The Word elicits faith. Rev. Cascione has done us a service by his review of Al Schmidt's book.
Rolf David Preus


GJ - Casione and the Preus gang have wasted their lives regurgitating the Objective Justification of Missouri's founder, the syphilitic Bishop Martin Stephan.

CFW Walther was merely Stephan's flunky until he had the chance to tell everyone what the leadership knew - Stephan was not only a serial adulterer with young women but also a carrier of 
syphillis. The ship manifest showed that the oldest son went along and so did the favorite mistress of the man raised to the episcopacy by Walther and the gang.

Walther's lying exposure of Stephan allowed the great CFW to stage a riot, threaten the bishop's life, steal all his gold, and force him at gunpoint across the Mississippi. Those are multiple felonies added to Walther's earlier kidnapping of his niece and nephew from his father's parsonage.

I hate to tell the Missourians and WELSians (ELS and CLC too) this - Objective Justification is a cult dogma only taught and believed in the Midwest. No Lutheran church body teaches it, except ELCA by way of their rationalism and universalism - also derived from Calvinism. The European Lutherans see OJ as a Midwestern thing, and not Lutheran.

Cascione and One-Note Rolf Preus expose themselves by their staged outrage.

Were they bothered by the apostate Gospel of Mark commentary that came from their beloved Concordia Publishing House? 

Do they object to the same text approach in the Beck Bible promoted by Otten, Inc?

 The sudden confession of sin that supposedly schocked* and appalled the CFW circle never happened, and she never regretted her close relationship with the Saxon bishop.
*Queen Victoria was so German that she wrote in her diary about being "schocked."