Saturday, April 9, 2022

From Camera to Mike

I started the day with the new camera and its supposed mike, only the mike was not. After fussing around about the partial package, I began searching for an alternative. Yes, I can return the other one to that store. 

A look around the Net showed me one that would work with our set up, and it could arrive on Sunday. No, not fast enough for Palm Sunday, but a good start on Holy Week.

I have gone from Kindergarten to high tech in a short period of time. Vimeo was a challenge for me at first.

RESI? I did not know what HDMI cameras were. Since the camera must send video/audio on an integrated signal, I also had to convert the HDMI signal on its way to the hardware encoder (also new to me). From there it trips along at fiber optic speed and gets distributed on the blog page. That will be permanent front page viewing with provisions for storing previous videos.

We are on Vimeo for Palm Sunday. I am asking two of our leaders to monitor the sound for me and notify me on the cell phone if there is a major problem.