Sunday, April 24, 2022

Military Gardening Group Meets Outside - In the Rain!

Last night we had a bit of rain, but far more was predicted for today. Even then, I was able to pick daffodils for the altar. Later the Military Gardening Group gathered for pour-over coffee, chicken, and biscuits. Sassy was so keyed up that when a church friend phoned, she went nuts. "No, we will meet later, Sassy." 

Phone calls from friends have become Sassy's favorite time to get attention. She does that with smiling and also with firm kneecap scrapes (plus an arrogant German Shepherd look - "Obey!") She likes to have me report her antics, and callers have a big laugh.

The next phone call led to more canine shouting. The message was brief, "Put the water on." Fold flip phone. Go to work. 

When we are done drinking coffee, the chicken and biscuits are ready. Sassy barks for chicken half-way through the cooking, of course. No assurance will keep her quiet. 

We talk about a lot of current matters and past memories. Ranger Bob did about 250 parachute drops so he gave a summary of the thrill and the one near-fatal accident.

After supper, we went outside, the weather warm and very little rain was falling. That is when we discuss what I should do for the garden. Ranger Bob reminded me to buy preying mantis egg cases, which I did immediately after, and to get a few earthworms, which I did with another order. His elaborate plans for me forced a cry, "Why don't you do all that to YOUR yard?"

Sassy walked around and then settled near the door when the rain really started. We had no wind to drive the rain into the porch area, so we continued to talk. Sassy usually sits in the garden, facing us, looking up and enjoying the conversation, which often turns to her good manners, smiles, and responses. 

Sitting on the slab we call the front porch, we are looking through the growing vegetation and downward  across the garden to the front sidewalk and street. We were talking roses, so I pointed out the new buds on Take It Easy rose, which has the meanest thorns of all. The regular rains have been great for the new and older roses. 

The sermon for today was John 15 - I AM the True Vine. I wonder what would happen if the synodical leaders, college and seminary professors followed the first 11 verses.

The only fruit comes from remaining on the True Vine. That means faith in Jesus Christ, another reason why the apostate clergy avoid the Fourth Gospel. 

Those who no longer believe are cut off from the Vine, while those who remain are cleansed through contrition and faith in Jesus Christ. The cleansing makes us even more faithful, just as pruning roses make them grow more roots, branches, leaves, and roses.