Thursday, June 30, 2022

Exciting New Statistics - For WELS - Evangelism (Marketing) A Big Success -
Only 3,000+ Net Losses!

Can anyone read this out loud without laughing?
Paul Iscariot Kelm will never erase his legacy - smart-aleck, warmed-over Calvinism.

The false-teacher-leaders of WELS always have several buddies to back up their nonsense and cry "Fowl!" because they cannot spell.

Where are the statistics for Pastor Mike's church and Pastor Tim's work? It is all about the numbers, for these CPAs - Church Polluting Accountants. Ski's numbers are once again - in the dumps.

This is the Ur-Document of WELS infatuation with Fuller Seminary's marketing stink-bomb. Read below to discover their 45 years of spectacular results.

WELS has gone downhill in every possible way. They are like drunks wobbling along in the dark, grabbing street lights to give the impression of sobriety.

Last year, WELS lost another 3,000+ net members, which means the country is growing in numbers while WELS-LCMS-ELCA-ELS are losing members in droves.

Whatever numbers are posted, the real losses are hidden, ignored, omitted, or buffed up to a beautiful shine.

Valleskey's lop-sided smile is so much like Mark Jeske's ambiguous pose.

 Pieper, who came from WELS, was a genius at blending Justification by Faith and Justification without Faith, Calvinism and Luther, light and dark. Guess who won...for the moment, at least? 

The strange part is - they heatedly denied their false god worship while stealing synod money to attend Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity, and Willow Creek Community Church.