Friday, June 24, 2022

Hawk in the Bird Bath - Butterfly on the Chaste Tree - What a Day!

 The Chaste Tree produces an oil that sells on Amazon. A butterfly was moving around the flowers today.

I made an effort to give the birds fresh bathing places. The water was black in the two kiddie pools. The shallow dish was dry. I rinsed all three and gave them shallow water for bathing and - yuk - drinking. 

I had some shelled peanuts and added them to the barrel tops and two concrete blocks.

I looked up and saw a butterfly above me, gathering food from the Chaste Tree flowers. Later I looked out the kitchen window for bathers in the three baths. A very large hawk was sitting in the shallow water and getting something to drink. He was solemn and slow moving, ominous. No one wanted to join him.

 This is my own closeup of the very large hawk.

I am a paralegal volunteer, so I went to two offices today and spoke to a lawyer and an insurance agent. One case is very serious and three others are significant, including my final plans. I enjoy being a go-between because I know how much can be accomplished in a face-to-face meeting.

I have had people pick up the phone to settle things for me, and I like to do the same for others. If a neighbor is in need, there is no reason to hesitate.

I was not surprised to hear the Roe vs. Wade decision at the Supreme Court. That was a dishonest case from the beginning, staged as a rape when it was not. The anonymous woman became pro-life.

I expect that the reaction, which has already started, will be loud, obnoxious, and self-destructive. This should have been a time for the abortionists to lay low, instead of calling attention to their ruthless use of unborn, living babies to sell to "medical research" people. 

When I was in the Lutheran Church in America, there was a moment when several leaders got a national statement accepted that was pro-life. They were removed from positions of influence, and the sect moved rapidly into the business of radicalism, the path paved by Seminex leaders from WELS and the LCMS.  

Unfortunately, WELS and LCMS today work with ELCA and with the pro-abortion, anti-Biblical Thrivent Insurance and Annuity Company. They are only too happy to wrap up your mother's estate in an irrevocable charitable trust - as in - bye-bye farm, savings, and investments - cuz the synods need the cash.