Sunday, July 10, 2022

Graduation, 1972. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary,
Now Much Smaller as Martin Luther University Seminary.


Black and white photograph of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary graduates and faculty members in the Seminary chapel. Left to right, back row: Delton Glebe, Eric Howes, David Granskou, Ragnar Teigen, Eduard Riegert and Unknown. Centre row: Gregg Jackson and Gil Scharf. Front row: Guenter Dahle, Laurie Van Kleek, Paul Schweitzer, Bill Wade, Unknown (Ron Mulberger) and Dave Hardy. 1972.

The faculty from this photo have passed away, except for Richard Crossman (Unknown), who became the next seminary dean or principal. Crossman was a Tillich fan who took 20 more years to finish his doctorate. Crossman retired, replaced by a lady dean.

Ulrich Leupold, PhD, was the dean and New Testament professor before Delton Glebe became dean, making the curriculum all about counseling. Leupold died of a degenerative brain condition. I told him where I planned to go and he gestured happiness with his shaking hand. The faculty and students encouraged me - in their own way. Another Leupold taught much earlier at Cap Seminary, Columbus, Ohio (Loy, Leupold, Lenski).

 This building included Waterloo Seminary's  chapel, a few seminary rooms, and the MSW program. Now it is mostly a counseling training center with a few seminary students and fewer seminary faculty.