Thursday, September 29, 2022

ELDONA Church Says - Don't Ask the Pastor.
Sullivan Tapes Linked, Then Banished


 Pastors Sullivan and Rydecki had the wits to leave the ELDONA cult.

I was not shocked to learn that the Right Reverend Bishop Jim Heiser was making a move on St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Rogers, Arkansas.

The first indication was the church website linking Pastor Sullivan's Ask the Pastor video tapes. That link appeared on the front page. St. Mark's pastor, a late convert to Justification by Faith, urged people to watch the Ask the Pastor tapes to learn more about ELDONA.

Now the Rogers congregation is officially affiliated with ELDONA, and the link to the tapes has been removed.

Pastor Sullivan left ELDONA, as did Pastor Rydecki and one other pastor. Heiser's papal and dictatorial ways rose to the level of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, SJ. The rubrics below have been added in red, as expected among the exalted.

The bishop’s responsibility of “oversight” and “administration” “encompasses all that has been associated with this [episcopal] polity in the historic sense,” as stated in the Bishop’s Episcopal Address, including “obliging the parsons and deacons of their superintendency to conform in all things according to our ‘Church Order.’” 

It is commonly noted that those who make a trifle of the most important things are also harder than diamonds about trivia - like the brittle demands of Bishop Heiser. For example, ELDONA, like the other Lutheran sects, loves every translation except the best one - the King James Version. Sure enough, St. Mark's in Rogers follows the same pattern, listing the KJV but also several very obscure translations, a natural path to confusion and loss of memory work in Bible. Claiming they are all OK is the same as repudiating the clarity and efficacy of the Scriptures.

ELDONA seems to loathe the KJV and embrace the horrid ESV and other money-makers among the Objective Justification sects.

Here is another indication of the papal errors of ELDONA and St. Mark's in Rogers. The Rogers church calendar includes Roman Catholic holy days, such as the Immaculate Concept of Mary, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the Assumption of Mary.

I consider these calendar dates, which are posted on the St. Mark website, toxic relics of study at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne and St. Louis. Those faculties promote Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox oddities. The numbskull graduates, like Jay Webber and Jim Heiser, are as cozy with Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy as they are with smells, bells, and magnificent Almy robes.

Bishop Randy DeJaynes, welcomed by Kincaid Smith and Jay Webber (ELS), was really the start of ELDONA. "If he can be a bishop, I can be the pope!" - Heiser must have thought, much like CFW Walther and the Repristination - Stephan, Walther - Press.