Thursday, October 13, 2022

Post-Gardening Symptoms - No Pain


I was quite used to having a lot of pain in my hands after digging, carrying, lifting. Yesterday, I had the strangest sensation a day after digging holes for the bulbs - no pain. I hardly used the shovel, since the clay soil was soft where I had watered. I used a trowel.

Before, I normally had exquisite pain after such work. 

I attribute the change to eating a variety of vegetables and fruit as my main (but not only) source of food. Hip pain went away at first - now agony in the hands - gone. Dr. Fuhrman calls it the repair work of the nutritious foods (vegetables, fruit, nuts, greens). 

When I was able to grow food instead of fattening rabbits and squirrels (as I do now), I had a similar change.