Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Powerful Formula for Delicious and Tasty Medicine - Unbelievably Inexpensive

This is likely a Queen Elizabeth Rose.

I watched another fraudulent nutrition video, so much like an earlier one. Everyone is wrong but this fast-talking expert who says, "All you need is this pill" for only $50 a jar, a real bargain." Haha. I bet this guru is just like an earlier one, and I do not mean Joel Fuhrman.

Here is my powerful formula for delicious and tasty medicine so inexpensive, no one can believe it! Based on months of research, I can make these comparisons.

Meat is not medicinal - offering only fat and protein. Salt makes it taste much better.

Cow's milk is not medicinal - producing protein and lots of fat. Cheese is worse, contributing lots of salt with the fat.

That does not make me a vegetarian, because I like some meat - and some eggs, less often. I just learned to flip the charts (from Fuhrman) so that my main food is beans, vegetables, fruit, and some nuts, with a bit of ice cream and chocolate on the side. The Fuhrman way of eating is vastly superior to the American Dairy Council, the Beef Trust, and Springdale Chicken Trust.

When I hear of a string of illnesses, I think about overweight being the foundational disease and medicine often not a cure but a placebo. Diabetes is a good example. High blood sugar is mostly caused by foods that make the individual slower and less likely to burn calories while insulin hurts the body and cures nothing. I know it is far more complicated than that. While insulin remains the #1 remedy, it can never cure diabetes or keep from doing in the pancreas over time.

I can talk about chubbies like Matt the Fatt because weight gradually pushed me up into high blood sugar, with the tireless help of ice cream. That and other sugar/fat combinations contributed to high blood sugar, a second marker for wearing a toe tag too early in life.

Fuhrman's ideas prompted me read his books.

I am moving toward breakfast being my major meal, not toast and tea. 

Here Is a Sample Breakfast:

Canned chickpeas - rinsed off, 15 ounces - Chickpeas nutritional benefits

Peas - one layer - benefits of peas

Benefits of Onions, benefits of green and red peppers

Tomato paste - health benefits 

Health benefits of Walnuts

Health benefits of asparagus

Health benefits of leafy greens

Sometimes I eat it all, for breakfast or lunch. At other times I split what I warmed up for two meals.

The great miracle is that our body digests all this nutrition and matches up health benefits so that combinations form to work even better. God has placed most of the medicine we need in the humblest plants, greens, fruit, and nuts.

We used to live near Jolly Green's plantations, in Minnesota.