This was a list I was developing. Ignore the linkage. These are authors and books buried under the disaster called ELCA. Alec Satin has produced them as free online versions and inexpensive print books.
The Most Important Lutheran Authors. 6
The Big Three of the General Council, Which Broke
from the Ecumenical General Synod and Became LCA, Then ELCA 6
Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
1. Henry Eyster Jacobs. Martin Luther: The Hero of the
Reformation by Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
2. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. A Summary of the Christian Faith by Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
3. Hutter,
Leonard, Henry Eyster Jacobs, Spieker, George Frederick. Hutter's Compend of
Christian Doctrine translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
4. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. Lincoln's Gettysburg World Message by Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
5. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. The Book of Concord: The Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church by Henry Eyster Jacobs and Charles Krauth. 6
6. Martin
Luther, Henry Eyster Jacobs. The Small Catechism of Martin Luther edited by
Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
7. Henry
Eyster Jacobs, Melanchthon, Philip. The Apology of The Augsburg Confession by
Philip Melanchthon. 6
8. Martin
Luther, Henry Eyster Jacobs. The Augsburg Confession With The Saxon Visitation
Articles by Martin Luther. 6
9. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. The Formula of Concord by Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
10. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. Luther's Large Catechism translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs. 6
11. Zöckler,
Otto, Charles Porterfield Krauth, Charles William Schaeffer, William Julius
Mann, Adolph Spaeth, Henry Eyster Jacobs, Adam Martin. The Missouri Doctrine
of Election by Otto Zöckler [Journal Article]. 6
12. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. The Lutheran Confessions: A Brief Introduction by Henry Eyster
Jacobs [Journal Article]. 6
13. Henry
Eyster Jacobs, John Gottlieb Morris, Charles Porterfield Krauth, James Allen
Brown, Emanuel Greenwald, Milton Valentine, Frederick Conrad, Charles Augustus
Stork, Gottlob Frederick Krotel, Joseph Augustus Seiss, Augustus Charles
Wedekind, William Julius Mann. The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry
Eyster Jacobs. 6
14. Krauth. 7
15. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. Infant Baptism And Infant Salvation In The Calvinistic
System – A Review Of Dr. Hodge's Systematic Theology by Charles Krauth. 7
16. Heinrich
Guericke, Charles Porterfield Krauth. Of the Church in General: The Lutheran
View, Romish, Reformed by Guericke and Krauth [Journal Article]. 7
17. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. The Lutheran Church and the Lord's Day by Charles Krauth
[Journal Article]. 7
18. Henry
Eyster Jacobs. The Book of Concord: The Symbolical Books of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church by Henry Eyster Jacobs and Charles Krauth. 7
19. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. 7
20. Zöckler,
Otto, Charles Porterfield Krauth, Charles William Schaeffer, William Julius
Mann, Adolph Spaeth, Henry Eyster Jacobs, Adam Martin. The Missouri Doctrine
of Election by Otto Zöckler [Journal Article]. 7
21. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. The Bible a Perfect Book by Charles Krauth [Journal
Article]. 7
22. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. Why Study the Lutheran Confessions? by Charles Krauth
[Journal Article]. 7
23. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. Christian Liberty by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]. 7
24. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. The Life of Henry Clay by Charles Krauth [Journal
Article]. 7
25. Beale
Melanchthon Schmucker. A Compact Biography of Charles Porterfield Krauth by
Beale Melanchthon Schmucker [Journal Article]. 7
26. Henry
Eyster Jacobs, John Gottlieb Morris, Charles Porterfield Krauth, James Allen
Brown, Emanuel Greenwald, Milton Valentine, Frederick Conrad, Charles Augustus
Stork, Gottlob Frederick Krotel, Joseph Augustus Seiss, Augustus Charles
Wedekind, William Julius Mann. The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry
Eyster Jacobs. 7
27. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. The Burning Of The Old Lutheran Church by Charles Krauth. 7
28. Charles
Porterfield Krauth. Sayings of Charles Porterfield Krauth. 7
33. Schmauk. 8
34. Theodore
Emanuel Schmauk, Benze, C Theodore. The Confessional Principle and The
Confessions of The Lutheran Church As Embodying The Evangelical Confession of
The Christian Church With Translations from the Introductions and Writings of
Theodor Kolde, Professor In Erlangen by Theodore E. Schmauk. 8
35. George
Washington Sandt. Theodore Emanuel Schmauk, D.D., LL.D.: A Biographical Sketch
with Ample Quotations from his Letters and Other Writings by George W. Sandt. 8
The Big Three from Capital Seminary in Columbus Ohio,
Which Became ALC, TALC, And ELCA.. 8
Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. The Story of My Life by Matthias Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. The Augsburg Confession: An
Introduction and Exposition by Matthias Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. Sermons on the Epistles by Matthias
Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. Christian Prayer by Matthias Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. The Ministerial Office by Matthias Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. The Unity of the Church by Matthias Loy
[Journal Article]. 8
Matthias Loy. The Sermon on the Mount: A Practical
Study by Matthias Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. Sermons on the Gospels by Matthias Loy. 8
Matthias Loy, Hermann Fick. The Life and Deeds of
Martin Luther by Fick and Loy. 8
Matthias Loy. Lutheran Worship by Matthias Loy
[Journal Article]. 8
Matthias Loy. The Burning Question: The
Predestination Controversy in the American Lutheran Church by Matthias Lo
[Journal Article]. 8
Matthias Loy. The Doctrine of Justification by
Matthias Loy. 8
Lenski 8
Richard C. H. Lenski. Epistle Selections of the
Ancient Church by R.C.H. Lenski. 9
Richard C. H. Lenski. The Gospel Selections of the
Ancient Church: An Exegetical-Homiletical Treatment by R.C.H. Lenski. 9
Richard C. H. Lenski. The Source, Meaning, and Value
of the Church Year by R.C.H. Lenski. 9
Richard C. H. Lenski. Kings and Priests by Richard
Lenski. 9
Richard C. H. Lenski. New Gospel Sermons by Richard
Lenski. 9
George Henry Schodde, Heinrich August Allwardt,
Ghodes, Conrad B, Richard C. H. Lenski, Frederick Augustus Schmidt, Frederick
William Stellhorn, Walter E. Tressel. Walther and the Predestination
Controversy or The Error of Modern Missouri by Schodde et al.. 9
George Henry Schodde, Heinrich August Allwardt,
Richard C. H. Lenski. The Error of Modern Missouri Part 3: A Testimony Against
the False Doctrine of Predestination Recently Introduced By The Missouri
Synod. 9
George Henry Schodde, Frederick Augustus Schmidt,
Richard C. H. Lenski, Ghodes, Conrad B. The Error of Modern Missouri Part 2:
Intuitu Fidei. 9
Leupold. 9
Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. The Priesthood of Believers
by George H. Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. The Lutheran Church in the
Country by George H. Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. What's Wrong With The World?
by George H. Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. New Testament Conversions by
George H. Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. The Life and Letters of
William Passavant D.D. by George Henry Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. Revere Franklin Weidner: A
Character Sketch, Appreciation, and Tribute by George Henry Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. Reminiscent Reflections of a
Youthful Octogenarian by George Henry Gerberding. 9
George Henry Gerberding. The Way of Salvation In The
Lutheran Church by George Gerberding. 9