Saturday, February 26, 2022

Unsolicited Endorsement from a Seminary Graduate

Frau und Herr Doktor Picklepuss, aka Kurt Aland.

"This is an incredible compilation of history and arguments.  It is a yuuuge improvement on the first one."

GJ - When you are reading the KJV, you are reading the inspired Word of the Apostles and their associates.

When you read the ESV, RSV, or NIV, you are reading the insipid and dangerous opinions of apostates. 

The New KJV bows and scrapes to the Nestle-Aland UBS Greek New Testament, so I do not favor the ever-changing and sometimes very badly translated New KJV. 


A Simple, Massive Majority - The Traditional Text versus the Contradictions of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus

 Kurt Aland was not a believer, as proven by his published work, so why was he allowed to dominate New Testament text criticism? 

The New Testament professors, who mostly train future ministers, have an easy and placid life. Hardly anyone enters seminary with training in Greek, because Latin and Greek have been excluded from college, Latin from high school.

Who will be asked to support the newest Bibles? and be rewarded by those businesses for endorsements? Only those who reject the Majority Text (KJV) and support the biggest hoaxes since the Piltdown Man - Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.

Vaticanus was kept by the Church of Rome, but no one was allowed to see it. The codex (bound book) was finally allowed in hands of Tischendorf, but only for a short time. He blessed B - as they call it - and his starry-eyed followers were enchanted by this find. 

Sinaiticus (Aleph) was "discovered" by Tischendorf when he zeroed in on one particular ancient site, which was still serving as a museum and repair shop for ancient manuscripts. Tischendorf made up a story about the pages of skin (parchment) being thrown away and used to warm the library. Sure - when I am cold, I burn old shoes in the fireplace. So cozy, in spite of the stench and the smoke.

That alone shows us that Tischendorf was a pathological liar. But there is another deep dark hole of mystery. Why did no one know of Sinaiticus being there? Tischendorf gave it life, or revealed its existence, stole a section of Sinaiticus by cutting it loose from the original, and had "his pages" issued under the protection of a Roman Catholic king.

Eventually the whole codex was "borrowed" for type-setting in Russia - and never returned. The Tzar gave up some tokens and money, but he owned it. The first few pages grabbed by Tischendorf were shop-lifting. The entire codex, minus what he gave to the Catholic king, was Grand Theft Codex.

All this took many years, with Vaticanus at the end of Tischendorf's life. One man - Tischendorf - controlled the publicity on Ephraim Rescriptus (his first venture, which gives me doubts). The second and third were the stolen pages of Sinaiticus and later - the entire codex. The last stage was the Vatican allowing Tischendorf time to look over Codex  Vaticanus and publicize it.

 Two witnesses say Sinaiticus was "white and supple" leather, so how did it get ugly, almost as if deliberately stained?

Here is the indictment against Sinaiticus and Vaticanus:

  1. They contradict each other by about 40%. Neither one was date-stamped, except by Tischendorf.
  2. They have no real history, and Sinaiticus was probably born in the 1800s, as a forgery to serve as a gift to the Tzar.
  3. Best of all, Aleph and B have no children - or copies of their fabulous texts. The greatest, best, and most precise Bibles were not copied and used for scholarship, Bible translations?
  4. Time marches on, so the Tzar turned into Lenin and then Stalin. Russia was broke from all the improvements of Communism, so England bought Sinaiticus from Stalin and enshrined it in their own museum, where it remains today. 
  5. Very early versions of the Majority Text continue to be found. Their numbers are 5,000 or more against five in the Aleph-B consortium.
 Hort often gets the criticism, because his theories were radical, self-serving, and wrong-headed. Bishop Westcott supported Hort and promoted that the Incarnation is Christ meant Him becoming part of every person, creating a universal religion - like the Hinduism he admired so much. The LCMS, WELS, ELS, ELDONIA, and CLC back the fake texts via the ESV, RSV, NIV, and other compromises with the truth.

Herman Otten Promoted the "Plastic Text" of the Bible - His Attack on Kloha.
Will We Get Another Hale-Storm?
The Beck Bible Is No Different, Undermining the Gospel of Mark

Pastor Herman Otten made a special case out of Kloha and the professor's fondness for the "plastic text" of the Bible. 

 Jeffrey Kloha was at the Concordia Seminary when Voelz published his1300 page, two-volume CPH mega-commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Voelz wrote that his outsized commentary was based on the dubious Codex Vaticanus.

Voelz - "The elephant gave birth and brought forth a mouse." Professor humor.

I remember Otten making a point about William F. Beck being such a scholar - Beck read the scholarly journals that no one else on the faculty opened (uncut pages - dead giveaway).

As I am pointing out in - 

The King James Version: 

Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus 

Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

neither Codex Sinaiticus (Aleph) nor Vaticanus (B) are reliable sources - and are most likely late forgeries. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are not the "World's Oldest Bibles" as Tischendorf bragged. They are the World's Newest Fakes.

How is Beck in the category of advocating a plastic, flexible Bible text?

He footnoted the true ending of Mark with this - 

“The two oldest manuscripts [Vaticanus, Sinaiticus] lack Mark 16:9-20…but end at verse 8.” [GJ - quite the betrayal of the text]

Like the wily and dishonest plastic text scholars, Beck established doubts about the Empty Tomb with his pernicious footnote. Mark 16:9-20 is not really part of the Bible, they think, following the Westcott-Hort example.

 Tis always funny to see how KJV opponents fall for Pietism and Calvinism, while promoting Justification without Faith

Friday, February 25, 2022

Need a copy of the 1984 or 1989 NIV


 WELS wits called the 2011 NIV - Nineveh, but where were they when WELS canned the KJV?

If you can send me a bootleg copy of the older NIV, I can use that to verify how it worded Romans 3. I would rather have the whole Bible or NT to verify the wording. 

As you know, the NIV burned its previous versions after they brought out the 2011 NIV. Imagine if they did that with the KJV! Yes, they are doing it with the NEW KJV. The old on has had 3 or 4 minor revisions.

PS - The old NIV is being sent. Is it not funny and awkward that the old versions are not on the Net? That the newest and worst NIV is on their own site while any previous version is gone?

 Missouri loved the NIV at first.

Alec Satin's Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Is #1 without Paid Ads -
Google Search Results

Notice CPH is ahead at first glance, but Lutheran Library is the top search result without a paid ad.

When you rely on the bogus Codex Vaticanus for a 1300+ page Mark commentary... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... something is amiss! Right Professor Voelz. 

Free Online - Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

Click Here for Your PDF of the Almost Final - The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

 Waldensians Were Slaughtered for Not Being Roman Catholics

Click on the Title Link Below 

For the Almost Final PDF- 

The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

 The old version will soon be retired. I realized a new book would have more information and fewer typos. Feel free to send responses, typo alerts, and observation to greg.jackson.edlp@gmail. com
edlp stands for Every Day Lutheran Principles

The WELS sect warned people about them there modern versions made up of fragments pasted together. Oh? Like their precious NIV?

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Filling the Midnight Slot - Sixth Post

I wavered about the promised late night post, but I found some great organ music, which energized me.

I love to hear music from the great pipe organs of the world. Certainly they will one day be considered the quirkiest of all the sound producers of the last 500 years. Who would put together so many pipes and tune them, rig them to a manual, and arrange the ranks to generate sounds from thunderous to delicate? The cost to build and maintain - hard to believe.

Did anyone else notice that America denominations abandoned: 

  1. The classic KJV in favor of pathetic paraphrases with missing verses?
  2. Justification by Faith so they could exploit universal salvation (Objective Justification)?
  3. Biblical hymns so they could pound their percussion instruments and howl their self-praise?
  4. The message of salvation, only to replace it with pre-church popcorn Pepsi salivation?
Yes, the great and wise corrupters have done this, working with great diligence, crushing opposition with quips, threats, and dishonesty. As Luther wrote about Luke 8, Sexagesima, these denominational heads are the seed fallen on the rocky path and swallowed up by Satan's henchmen. 

These dunderheads have their underlings tied up in dreams of future glory and riches. Go back and see that the current leaders were working on their careers from the earliest days, always treating apostasy like a foul smell but somehow also excusing it and promising to end the blight. They have more positions than a whirling dervish who just tried a Carolina Reaper.

Some of my favorite responses from the past have been, "How can you be so critical of the synods? You should stop writing!" Somehow they failed to comprehend the meaning of Ichabod - The Glory Has Departed. 

And they are so comical in their absurdities. Josh Scheer runs like a scalded dog away from the important matters, in order to cluck his cloven tongue about a sure thing in Missouri. Steadfast? I foresee him as a District President or special counselor for Calvinist News. The DeadLast Lutherans "had to" erase criminal evidence, ordered by Matt the Fatt, and Josh now wants His Enormity to do the right thing at Concordia Mequon.

 So much was at steak in those days - free lunches, free suppers, free travel, and freedom from preaching, which he escaped early.

Hymn - Lord of the Harvest Hear

"Lord of the Harvest, Hear"
by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788

Tune - Aynhoe - linked here

1. Lord of the harvest, hear
Thy needy servants' cry;
Answer our faith's effectual prayer
And all our wants supply.

2. On Thee we humbly wait,
Our wants are in Thy view.
The harvest, truly, Lord, is great,
The laborers are few.

3. Anoint and send forth more
Into Thy Church abroad
And let them speak Thy Word of Power
As workers with their God.

4. Oh, let them spread Thy name,
Their mission fully prove,
Thy universal grace proclaim,
Thine all-redeeming love!

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #488
Text: Matthew 9:38
Author: Charles Wesley, 1742
Composer: James Nares, 1783, ad.
Tune: "Aynhoe"

Hymn - Lord Keep Us Steadfast

"Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word"
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

Tune - Erhalt Us Herr - linked here

1. Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word;
Curb those who fain by craft and sword
Would wrest the Kingdom from Thy Son
And set at naught all He hath done.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, Thy power make known,
For Thou art Lord of lords alone;
Defend Thy Christendom that we
May evermore sing praise to Thee.

3. O Comforter of priceless worth.
Send peace and unity on earth.
Support us in our final strife
And lead us out of death to life.

Hymn 261
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: John 8:31
Author: Martin Luther, 1541
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1863
Titled: "Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort"
Tune: "Erhalt uns, Herr"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Wittenberg, 1543

Hymn - Lord Jesus Who Art Come

"Lord Jesus, Who art Come"
by Eberhard L. Fischer, 1695-1773

Tune - O Gott, du frommer Gott - linked here

1. Lord Jesus, who art come
A Teacher sent from heaven
And by both word and deed
God's truth to us hast given,
Thou wisely hast ordained
The holy ministry
That we, Thy flock, may know
The way to God through thee.

2. Thou hast, O Lord, returned,
To God's right hand ascending;
Yet Thou art in the world,
Thy kingdom here extending.
Through preaching of Thy Word
In every land and clime
Thy people's faith is kept
Until the end of time.

3. O blessed ministry
Of reconciliation,
That shows the way to God
And brings to us salvation!
By Thine evangel pure,
Lord, Thou preserv'st Thy fold,
Doest call, enlighten, keep,
Dost comfort and uphold.

4. Preserve this ministry
While harvest-days are keeping;
And since the fields are white
And hands are few for reaping,
Send workers forth, O Lord,
The sheaves to gather in
That not a soul be lost
Which Thou art come to win.

5. The servants Thou hast called
And to Thy Church art giving
Preserve in doctrine pure
And holiness of living.
Thy Spirit fill their hearts,
Endue their tongues with power;
What they should boldly speak,
Oh, give them in that hour!

6. Yea, bless Thy Word alway,
Our souls forever feeding;
And may we never lack
A faithful shepherd's leading!
Seek Thou the wandering sheep,
Bind up the sore opprest,
Lift up the fallen ones,
And grant the weary rest.

7. Bring those into Thy fold
Who still to Thee are strangers;
Guard those who are within
Against offense and dangers.
Press onward with Thy Word
Till pastor and his fold
Through faith in Thee, O Christ,
Thy glory shall behold.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #485
Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1
Author: Eberhard L. Fischer, 1741, ab.
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Herr Jesu, der du selbst"
Tune: "O Gott, du frommer Gott"
1st Published in: Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch
Town: Meiningen, 1693

Let Me Know If You Want the Almost Perfect -
The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation
Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

 Janie will have this in early March, so it should be finished during the month.

Hello KJV Fans and Opponents.

If you email me at - I can send you the PDF of the book. 

edlp stands for Every Day Lutheran Principles

You do not to edit the book. If you find the rare typo, send me a note on the error itself. I use control-f to find them since the PDF is not quite the same as the Word document.

This is free. I appreciate anything you have to say. One teacher pointed out a lot of things which I fixed on the first try, because there was a lot to address.

I am glad I ordered many new books for this project and went over the research again, new and old. I learned a lot. I think everyone will be inclined to read even more about the KJV from many excellent books. 

The Whetstone

This is one of my favorite Luther quotations, which also suggests that those who do not battle false teachers are false and craven by default. 

Retreat is often the default when something comes up - "I don't want to be kicked out." I have even had pastors look left and right to make sure nobody could hear what I was saying about their precious sect. 

The first rule in our sect is - "We are perfect."

A member sent me a book about Evangelicals and was sorry it was a third-rate book. I said, no, because we need to read what is out there to know what the situation is. I read most of the Church Growth books (Trinity Seminary Library) and owned a few in Columbus. It was always a treat to watch "leaders" promote Church Growth and deny it at the same time. 

We do not owe anything to false teachers except teaching them how they are wrong. Polemical speaking and writing comes from the Greek word for war. We cannot teach truth and then treat errorists with flattery, praise, and financial rewards. 

When the topic came up long ago, I recalled the cartoon with the lion sharpening his claws on the whetstone. I found it and matched it with Luther's quotation. From that time on I combined a lot of great (and foolish) quotations with graphics. I can find the graphic faster than the quotation, the burden of having thousands of quotations stored.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Having Fun with KJV Research

I began the day working on - 

The King James Version: 

Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation 

versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

I wanted to keep the title diplomatic, nuanced, and sensitive, and I edited about half of the book, checking especially on the references. 

People will find the notes added to references helpful in distinguishing the good guys (Burgon, Hills, Pickering, Daniels) from the bad guys (Tischendorf, Westcott, Hort, Beck, and Voelz).

It has taken me so time to assemble the authors with good arguments about the Majority Text and the King James Version.

Unfortunately, many second-rate scholars adopted the slogan used later by Billy Graham - "I believe in the inerrancy of the original manuscripts of the Bible."

That is like saying, "Your mother was once beautiful." The compliment falls short, and the Biblical slogan is a bald-faced repudiation of the Scriptures. That is very effective in handing all Christian doctrine over to the apostates for safe-keeping.

Sleet Day was not overly dramatic here, but we have another 10 hour spell coming up at midnight. We were warned by friends not to go outside, not to drive, not to slip and fall.

Like many others, I shopped for storm food, forgetting the need for salt pellets or crystals. I bought frozen blueberries ($2) for the creatures and thawed them out this morning - the berries, not the creatures.

The entire back yard was filled with all manner of birds and squirrels, covering the area, look for food under the thin layer of mushy sleet and snow.

Starlings won in numbers, but no bird was afraid of them. I saw a male and a female cardinal sharing seats in the bun basket with berries in it. The male was below and the female above. The male was only inches away, as I planned when we put semi-reflective paper on the kitchen windows.

I had been scattering corn around the yard for weeks, because the kernels are in demand in the cold but not on warm days. The birds knew the drill - "East at Jacksons and ignore Sassy." They were eating most of the day.

I opened a book sent by the Lutheran Librarian - The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. The author (Mark Knoll) claims that "Creationism" is recent and invented by Ellen White (Seventh Day Adventist founder). 

The book is a bucket of modern sociological tub-thumping, impossible to read without snorting at the lurching from topic to topic without support for arguments.