Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The I AM Sermons Are in the Last Stage of Publishing


Sending a book off is a combination of pain and exhilaration. I am sure I will find something wrong the moment I open up the first copy - and that is inevitable. On the other hand, I am excited to see it in print because I believe the actual Greek of these sermons, from Jesus Himself, conveys more than I am. The two words in Greek match the Voice from the Burning Bush.

That also fits into the historic identification of the Burning Bush as a representation of the Incarnate Son of God - Two Natures in One. The bush burns but remains whole.

A wonderful book is one of my all-time favorites - The Two Natures in Christ by Chemnitz.

For Text Criticism - aka Lower Criticism - A New Source Revealing Its Depravity

Finishing the I AM book led me to a series of quotations showing how corrupt - or maybe lazy - the critics of the Greek New Testament are.

I will get to that later today. I am rigging the chapel computer and sending the book to Janie Sullivan first.

 Janie Sullivan - "Greg, you said Monday. Monday of what year?"