Yale Divinity School hardly ever turns out parish ministers anymore. People said to me, "You are actually taking a parish call?" |
The YDS missions library is a reminder that Yale was once considered the place to become a world missionary. Across the hall is the RSV Room, where the National Council of Churches planned the Revised Standard Version and its erasure of the Virgin Birth of Christ, Isaiah 7:10. |
They made WELS what it is today, dead on arrival. |
Wayne Mueller at the youth conference told the kiddies that evangelism was easy - "Just tell everyone they are already saved."
The spontaneous "revival" at Asbury University was carefully planned in advance to have a sudden crush coming to the school and filling the newspaper religion pages for a few days. One of my members from LCA days thought maybe it was "a good thing" if it was true. As the Spartans said, "If."
I recalled that Yale was so rationalistic, etc, that the new president, Timothy Dwight, set up a long term plan for him to teach the authority of the Bible. In short, he taught faith in Jesus Christ and the authority of the Old and New Testaments.
"In this Perspective I will focus more narrowly on the first season of revival that came to Yale College during the Second Great Awakening. The college’s president at that time was Timothy Dwight, grandson of Jonathan Edwards. When Dwight assumed the reins of leadership at Yale in 1795 the college “was in a most ungodly state,” and only about ten percent of its 125 students publicly professed to be Christians."
I had a laugh over the WELS big-time conference, led by James Huebner preaching. He bought his Fuller Seminary tattoo many years ago (along with Larry Otto Olson and Paul Calvin Kelm). Of course, that reminds me of Wayne Mueller's claim that WELS did not drink the hemlock of Church Growth while its Church and Change mafia was busy finishing off any hint of Biblical Lutheran doctrine.
First VP of WELS - James Huebner. |
Huebner knows how to satisfy felt needs. His congregation sponsors beer outings, another reason why Wisconsin leads the US in alcoholism. |
Daddy Huebner denied that a WELS teacher murdered his own wife. The murderer got out of prison very early. |