Monday, February 27, 2023

The Collapse of ELCA Seminaries - Plus LCMS, WELS, and the ELS

ELCA bishops, pictured here, keep adding up the "firsts." Eaton is showing off the orans posture, so we know who is the boss, I mean, the Presiding Bishop.

Yes, they coordinate through Thrivent and bow to ELCA demands. That makes WELS-ELCA-LCMS synergistic!

The so-called United Lutheran Seminary got very cranky about having a Presby-Lutheran lady president who fell short of the radicals' demands. They hired a newly minted bishop, who was elevated soon after his quickie ordination.

Eaton, a Harvard graduate, speaks a language only known to those who translate Newspeak.

Liz Eaton is on the far Left, from her perspective. Her associate was elected Secretary, though the idea of lady secretaries is obsolete.

Bishop Susan Johnson is the Bishop of All Canada, eh? Men need not apply for the job, eh?

The oh-so boring Ovaltines are busy protecting Matt the Fatt from his volatile temper, canceling Luther's Large Catechism, then using the old red herring fallacy to bring the disaster back. Meanwhile, someone posted the staggering collapse of ELCA.

Here are some facts of recent Lutheran history.

On August 7, 2009, the membership of ELCA was 4,633,887. [GJ - 5.3 million in 1987]

From August 17-23, 2009 the ELCA Church-wide Assembly was held.

On December 31, 2021, the membership of ELCA was 3,035,615

The 1,598,272 Exodus from the ELCA can in part be attributed to the decisions made at the 2009 ELCA Assembly. 

Diversity does not work, unless it is selective. The Episcopalian Virtue Online published this photoshop twice.

Now over Half of the ELCA Bishops Are Women

2021 – 33 of 66 bishops are female, 32 male, 1 transgender

"The paucity could be felt in so many ways. When we sang, the women’s voices could hardly be heard. The meetings were also dominated by men‘s voices, men’s thoughts and men’s concerns. I recall in morning prayer one time, Bishop Kurt Kusserow inviting the men to modulate their voices so the women’s voices might be heard. The result was stunning. It became a metaphor for our theological and ecclesial deliberations. How might the men to modulate their voices so the women’s voices might be heard?"  [GJ - Indeed!]

  1. Elizabeth Eaton (2007)
  2. Wilma Kucharek (2002)
  3. Shelley Wickstrom (2012)
  4. Ann Svennungsen (2012)
  5. Tracie Bartholomew (2013)
  6. Suzanne Darcy Dillahunt (2013)
  7. Patricia Lull (2014)
  8. Barbara Collins (2016)
  9. Kristin Kuempel (2017)
  10. Katherine Finnegan (2017)
  11. Deborah Hutterer (2018)
  12. Patricia Davenport (2018)
  13. Idalia Negrón (2018)
  14. Laurie Skow-Anderson (2018)
  15. Sue Briner (2018)
  16. Lorna Halaas (2019)
  17. Laurie Larson Caesar (2019)
  18. Shelley Bryan Wee (2019)
  19. Regina Hassanally (2019)
  20. Constanze Hagmaier (2019)
  21. Laurie Jungling (2019)
  22. Susan Candea (2019)
  23. Leila Ortiz (2019)
  24. Ginny Aebischer (2020 SC)
  25. Amy Current (2020 SE IA)
  26. Tessa Moon Leiseth (2020 E ND)
  27. Amy Odgren (2020 NE MN)
  28. Joy Mortensen-Wiebe (2020 SC WI)
  29. Laura Barbins (2020 NE Ohio)
  30. Anne Edison-Albright (2020 E Central WI)
  31. Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl, the second female bishop in the ELCA, is serving as interim bishop in the Northeastern Iowa Synod this year, bringing the Conference of Bishops to 31/66 (47%) women this year.
  32. Brenda Bos (2021, SW CA)
  33. Paula Schmitt (2021, Allegheny)
  34. Dee Pederson (2021, SW MN)