Friday, March 3, 2023

From the New York Post - Bishop Megan Rohrer Is Suing ELCA

Anders Nelson did his trans dance at Luther Seminary's chapel, his/her friends laughing and clapping. ELCA ordained him and gave him/her a call.

The giant Central Lutheran Church - Twin Cities -was the scene of the famous 2009 vote. Six ELCA bishops resigned and started a mini-synod.

Anita Hill, center, was part of the Mark Hanson (below) move away from the Scriptures.

ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson, promoted to Presiding Bishop from the notorious Minnesota district - "Brett, I never knew it was going to go so far."

 Rev. Dr. Bishop Megan often smirks for photos.

 This is the orans position, which ELDONA copies in its clumsy manner.

Church harassed trans ex-bishop for months before firing: lawsuit

I wondered where Heiser and crew got their high church costumes + masks. Megan started a trend.

"The first openly transgender Evangelical Lutheran bishop filed a lawsuit against the church Wednesday alleging he was pushed from his post after enduring a year of discrimination and harassment.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer claims the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America forced him to resign in June — a year after he was elected to his post– after letting him take the fall for alleged racist behavior

In his lawsuit, Rohrer alleges he only resigned from the San Francisco-based post because the high-ranking members of the church created a “hostile work environment” from his first day on the job in May 2021.

He claims he was deliberately misgendered, ridiculed for featuring drag queens at his ordination and harassed for being transgender."

This is Central Lutheran Church, where ELCA gathered in 2009 and voted to self-destruct.


Liz Eaton became Presiding Bishop in 2013, defeating Mark Hanson, behind her.

Four bishops and three are women. No I am not counting. 

 This was an ELCA transgender ordination.

Former ALC President David Preus, cousin to Jack and Robert Preus, had a very strange funeral here not long ago. Former LCA/ALC leaders agreed that they acted stupidly in forming ELCA in 1987.