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Christian News cannot help but prevaricate when it claims to honor Walter A. Maier and his Harvard doctorate in Semitics. |
I noticed - perhaps not alone - that the era of pluralism has given way to rigid, hateful, condemnation. America the Free has become the Condemn Nation.
The nominal Lutherans have led the way into the abyss. They expend most of their energy
- shunning people within their midst and
- extending the Left Boot of Fellowship to them.
Next they jump on busses and planes to attend conferences for all denominations, listening glassy-eyed and pulses-pounding to Fuller Seminary experts, searching for the most iconic gimmick for rescuing their sorry decline.
I was shocked this week when a book from some "conservatives" arrived, so I thought it meant one, true Bible. The authors insisted - the NASB! - condemning the KJV so angrily that I began to think the Bibles we give away stated "KJV-ONLY!" on the title page. The writers clearly wanted to press-gang KJV readers, to force them into the NASB beehive.
The nominal Lutherans should have adhered to this simple formula, stated by Dr. Walter Maier on a book published by Christians News, Inc.
The late Herman Otten and Cub Editor Phil Hale repudiated both truths - Bible inerrancy and Justification by Faith. Both pastors, rock-ribbed graduates of Missouri Synod seminaries
- Fell in love with the modernist Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament errors craved by Beck;
- Rejected the Chief Article of the Christian Faith.
Let us pause for a moment and observe how destructive the Otten-Hale hypocrisy has been.
The Beck Bible is a joke, no different from the RSV, NIV, ESV, or NRSV - the Evil Four. In contrast, the precise King James Version is the most accurate and also the unifying Bible for all English denominations. But lo, the denominations have divided up the Bible market so they can make some ready cash - just like Otten and Hale - while emphasizing their particular translation fetishes.
The typical Luther Bible study group now has five different dynamic equivalence Bibles sprinkled among them. (I am a total immersionist.) The average groups differ here and there, emphasizing either "There is no truth" or "All truths are God's truth."
Likewise, the WELS-ELCA-LCMS-ELS-CLC Enthusiasts disdain and belittle Justification by Faith. On that Satanic basis, they love each other, work and purr together, and share the Thrivent loot as one. The LCMS-WELS-ELS got together and found! to their delight! that they agreed about Objective Faithless Justification. They were equally dishonest at the almost deserted Emmaus Conference. No professors showed up for that smooch-fest. "Oh Jon-Boy! Oh Jay!"
Jesus taught that we cannot have two masters.
KJV Matthew 6: 24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
We cannot mix together a bunch of apostate Biblical paraphrases and sniff that the KJV c-a-a-a-n be accepted as good...maybe. Can we read even the worst of the paraphrases and say?:
- The Scriptures do not teach its efficacy, the Word and the Holy Spirit always at work together.
- The Word, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion are not the Means (Instruments) of God's grace.
- Justification by Faith is nowhere to be found in those National Council of Marxist Churches Bibles.
As an eye-witness, I can prove something that would stun Liz Eaton, Mirthless Mark Schroeder, and Matt the Fatt Harrison. At a non-Lutheran private Christian college, where none of the students were Lutheran, I asked how anyone could accept the New NIV about Romans 3.
NIV Romans 3:24 and all are justified freely by his grace
They responded - take note - "Yes, it does add all, as if everyone in the world is forgiven, but Justification by Faith is still there! You cannot deny that!"
They were right. The New NIV, loved by all nominal Lutherans, is genius level work, revealing two opposing views from the Apostle Paul in the same chapter. The battle has already been won by the synodicals' Father Below. The bad expels the good, because there are not many truths, but One Truth.
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Us? Extend the Left Boot of Fellowship? |