Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Blasphemy Essay Will Continue - and Expand


The essay on blasphemy will continue - and expand.

The LCMS 1932 Brief Statement, which repudiates the Chief Article of Christianity, deserves a lengthy and detailed response. 

They (LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), and UUA have been rubbing your faces in the 1932 B.S. for almost a century, so the Statement deserves a careful examination. I will add to it, posting the latest addition by itself, also adding those additions to the expanding essay.

Cascione said he told Robert Preus to write this. Jack ignores Justification and Rome, which is too deep for the Objective (Faithless) Justification mob, and that book is also Dr. Preus' final work. Rolf Preus does not mention Justification and Rome either, nor does Daniel.