ELDONA was enticing Good Shepherd Lutheran, Rogers, Arkansas, into its shrinking orbit. Heiser recently had three pastors leave the ELDONUTs at the same time, perhaps due to his papal demands (not to be confused with PayPal demands).
Ask The Pastor was being promoted at Good Shepherd, then dropped, and now is back again. One of the strange behaviors of Lutheran clergy, from LCMS on down to ELCA, is obsessing about the Apocrypha when they reject or ignore the inspired teaching of St. Paul the Apostle.
Heiser blocked then edited the newsletters and photos of his sect, which makes people wonder how their news gets out, perhaps in the Mars Society back pages? I see The Lutheran Herald is no longer behind a barrier, and it seems as though the split with some pastors/congregations has been erased.
Leaving ELDONA and avoiding any other quirky sect is headlined by Good Shepherd's (Rogers) blog, though the precise date is absent.
Today, too, there are those who elevate human traditions to the point where they get in the way of preaching Christ crucified and offering the comfort and assurance of the Gospel to sinners. Instead of being satisfied to preach Christ and the clear teaching of His Word, they make up rule after rule as to how one should worship and serve Christ and partake of His benefits.
When this occurs, we must hold fast to Jesus and his Word and not submit to man-made rules and traditions, as though they somehow are required of us or make us more acceptable to God.
The only way to be acceptable to God is through faith in Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world. And, the only way for our worship to be acceptable to God is through faith in Jesus.
It is for this reason that our congregation is no longer affiliated with a diocese or synod, nor do we burden ourselves with man-made rites and traditions which merit us nothing before God. We desire to keep our focus on Christ and his life-giving Word and not on the traditions of men.
Author Pastor Randy Moll
Eric Stefanski has been the nearby ELDONA pastor coaxing Good Shepherd, Rogers, into the heaving bosom of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and Adjoining Continents. |
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