Saturday, May 27, 2023

Why Post a Daily Luther Sermon Quote?


First I thought it was good to post the Navigation for Luther's Sermons on this blog. Later, I decided to post one sermon at a time, from the historic lectionary for each Sunday.

I enjoy Luther's insights and decided portions could be copied and pasted for each day. Immediately people began to thank me.

Luther's sermons never disappoint me, so I like doing the searching and posting. If nobody else goes over a selection each day, I will still put pen to paper and do it for my own good.

The Seminex faction took over the LCMS 50 years ago, culminating in Matt the Fatt hogging the office he is not qualified to hold. He posted a hilarious clip once, showing how worn his Luther set was! 

WELS worships itself and has no use for Luther or the Reformation. The clergy are always preparing themselves for the next drag event. Even Jay Webber, no fan of WELS, marvels at the WELS obsession with cross-dressing, starting at the preps.

The Little Sect on the Prairie looks large, compared to the rest of the splinter groups. They can fake-mourn the apostasy of other mini-synods, but they remain supplicants of Milwaukee, begging for a few crumbs to be scattered among them.