Monday, May 1, 2023

Your Abusive Lutheran Sect Preaches Against Faith - WELS, ELCA, LCMS, ELS, CLC - And Against the Bible

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The United World Religion Corporation teaches one thing - assuming we are all simpletons who cannot read - Everyone Is Born Forgiven. They have turned the atoning death of Jesus Christ into universal forgiveness, universal grace, universal salvation. While waving their "sola" signs on Reformation Sunday, they are picking your pockets, emptying your purses, and stealing your mother's estate (Irrevocable Charitable Trust, aka, there goes the farm forever).

The only thing they preach with clarity and energy is We Need More Money To Do His Work. But His means - Their Father Below.

The abusive sects - especially the abusive Lutheran sects - teach grace. They sing Amazing Grace all the time, which may explain why everything and everyone is amazing today. How do we get this amazing grace, some wonder. Simple! Everyone has grace, even before grace, called prevenient grace, that grace which comes before grace, like "Your frozen pizza is coming" although it is not there yet and nobody knows where it is.

The Abusive Lutheran Sects, aka Thrivent victims, claim everyone in the world was forgiven

  1. The moment Jesus died on the cross,
  2. The moment Jesus rose from death,
  3. The moment Adam and Eve were forgiven.

That may sound as confusing as it really is, but the key factor in those claims is this - forgiveness without faith = grace = salvation.

Even the greats - Sam Nafzger and David Valleskey and Mirthless Mark Schroeder - agree to the formula handed down by Calvin and Halle University.

Didja know Halle University, founded on Pietism, was the hotbed for moving away from faith in the Scriptures and into pure rationalism? ELCA calls that "Biblical scholarship" and LCMS-WELS-ELS calls it Universal Objective Faithless Justification.

The Real Message of Grace in Romans 

The abusive Lutheran sects are hotter than Georgia asphalt for grace, so why not find out how we obtain grace in Romans (the recent site of New NIV apostasy in Romans 3 - all are justified)? 

KJV Romans 5:5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

I realize many in the readership do not have a decent Bible, like the KJV. However, most people understand these two verses. 

  • Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ gives us peace through forgiveness of sin.
  • This faith gives us access into this grace.