Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Let Me Repeat Luther's Statement in This Graphic


I was reading Luther's commentary on Romans and used the quotation I published in the graphic above. Patsy Leppien was finishing What's Going On Among the Lutherans? She asked me for help in research, which made an ELS pastor furious. In fact, the most obnoxious responses about her work in revealing apostasy came from the so-called Lutheran pastors. Their attacks were vicious and frequent, not LCA/ALC but LCMS-WELS-ELS! We discussed that experience because I found Luther's statement above so encouraging. 

I lobbied for What's Going Wrong Among the Lutherans? because it was more fitting, perhaps too much on the mark. Later, a pastor told me how destructive the book was, and he considered himself conservative. The book was not polemical but fair and accurate in proving the LCA/ALC doctrines were false and anti-Biblical.

Although the LCMS-ELS-WELS corporate managers have prided themselves on being "conservative," serving as the right hand of Luther himself, they have adopted and promoted:

  1. The worst ever Bible paraphrase - the NIV, made even worse with the new NIV.
  2. Negligence of the works of Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz.
  3. Pentecostal-Babtist entertainment "worship" services.
  4. A four-lane highway trampled bare to Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity, and other squirming, wiggling piles of festering maggots.
  5. Pop songs rather than hymns.
  6. Abandoning male leadership in rejecting 1 Timothy 2:12.
  7. Lying down with dawgs (ELCA) and getting up with fleas.