Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Non-Secrets of So-Called Dieting - Gathered from Various Sources


The only way fat leaves our bodies is by exhaling. Fat used for energy only goes out from breathing, so the diet hints are completely wrong. Put the laxatives back on the shelf. Sweat itself is no use, so leave the steam room alone for weight loss.

Fat eaten easily takes its place  in the body. Fat is not burned away in locations, like the triceps or abs, which people think are magical using the gym. The triceps machine is very popular for people sitting and looking up their latest smart-phone messages. 

Fat supplies come from all forms of milk, including cheese and "skim milk," which is almost as fatty as whole milk. Stare at the hoax at the grocery store. Cow juice is for growing calves.

Potatoes are quite low in nutritional value and extra fattening when fried. Potatoes are mostly eaten fried in the US, so look around at the obvious results. Arkansas has the added treat of sweet tea, biscuits, and gravy - a trifecta that only builds fat.

Many medical prescriptions only affect symptoms - not very well. Doctors joke  "It is good that  cold, cough, sinus, and flu medicines do not work, or a lot of people would die." Coughing moves bacterial settlements out of the lungs and into the stomach. Every medicine has its own warnings. 

When we get the big motorcycle rallies in NWA, the stores hide their cough medicine, because cough suppressants create a cheap, lasting high. Lots of sugar too, mmmm. 

Actual food - direct from the coolers and fridges - are real medicine. People gobble orange and lemon sugar candy in hopes of taming a cough. Those people are too full of sugar to eat oranges, apples, pineapples, grapefruit, berries, etc. Fresh fruits contain a wealth of real medicine.

Extra funny - there are new "medical" tablets which concentrate fruits and vegetables in expensive bottles, instead of us eating the original God-created medicines built into dozens of fruits and vegetables.

The best medicine for high blood pressure is getting rid of salt products:

  1. Colas, fizzy water, soda pop.
  2. Cheese.
  3. More kinds of bread than one can imagine. Some breads are super salty.
  4. Many forms of canned and frozen food, but not all of them. A can of beans can measure between 20 mg and 1,000 mg of salt per serving. 
  5. If someone else cooked supper for you at the restaurant, fast food place, Schwan/Yelloh, pizza place, or frozen dinners at the store, the salt level is very high. Read the fine print and consider getting a ride home (just kidding). Our bodies fill up water because of the salt, which is bad for blood pressure, heart, and kidney issues. Once the salt level is lowered, the kidneys will release all that extra water. Yes, they have medicine to do that too, but it often flushes out electrolytes with the salt and causes problems, like extreme muscular weakness (sometimes solved with Fritos).

"Please come down and play with us. Grrrr, we mean purrrr."