Monday, November 6, 2023

The Army of Stooges And Their Plunders.
A Message for Bishop Liz, Matt the Fatt, and Mirthless Mark


I let my computer use graphics for the screen-saver option, so I see worthwhile and funny pictures stay on the screen for a few seconds. Many are Photoshops of my favorite Church Growth dunces, hilarious and sad at the same time. Some of them are:

  • Andy Stanley, son of Charles Stanley, furtive Babtists,
  • Rick Warren, stealth Baptist,
  • Bill Hybels, founder of the scandalized Willow Creek Community Church,
  • Craig Groeschel, who lets ministers steal his putrid sermons,
  • Joel Osteen, and his wife with angry eyes, also a pastor,
  • David Yonggi Cho, the South Korean who went to prison.
  • Mark Driscoll, who trained  Ski and Glende and blew up his own franchise.
The images and captions refreshed my memory of those "conservative, orthodox, yea even confessional" Lutheran pastors - who rushed out to the attend as many conferences as possible. Texas WELS DP Patterson took a planeload of victims to attend the fabulous Exponential conference in Florida, "All the Baloney You Can Eat."

The assumption in WELS-LCMS-ELCA! was that these flash-in-the pan Enthusiasts would give Lutherans a plan to follow to become just as successful as these future criminals. There are so many that this old Gospel song kept replaying in my head.

This old-fashioned Gospel song should remind the wayward Lutheran pastors, synodical leaders, and other frauds that they have filled their minds with mush when they could have been studying the Gospel of John.

The Fourth Gospel is the last Gospel written, inspired by the Holy Spirit, filled with sermons and statements for the individual and the world. The human author is the Apostle John, very close to Jesus.

"But wasn't the author a Gnostic from 300 AD? Scholars are divided!"

The Gospel of John is very disturbing because it contains so much from Jesus Himself and also explains so much from the three synoptic Gospels - the capstone effect. It is personal and universal at the same time, using the simplest words and grammar but the most profound thoughts. Jesus proclaims the Holy Spirit will teach the world about sin, "because they do not believe on Me."

"But I thought 'God wants His church to GROW!'"

Here is a little hint for those who graduated like silly quacking ducs from seminary - Our little group has grown steadily, all age groups, ever since we began, and we emphasize Justification by Faith, the KJV as the only honest translation, and The Lutheran Hymnal as the best hymnal... by far.