Saturday, December 2, 2023

Notice the Parallels Between Luther's Advent 1 Sermon and the Crumbling Synods


"Brett, I did my best to have lady bishops,
but now they own our synod!"

The curse of the apostate synods - ELCA, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), ELDONA, LCMS - is far too obvious now, no matter how much the managers sweat and swallow their hypertension pills. Proof is Matt the Fatt's sudden weight loss before the LCMS convention and during the convention, only to observe him blossom again when the votes were counted. No one exemplifies insecurity more than the MDiv who calls himself "Doctor Harrison."

Having very little parish experience or Biblical knowledge is the key to grabbing the office. The emphasis is on surfing the trends - or in Liz Eaton's case - helping to crater what is left, kissing up to the Left. The before and after photos of Eaton are a modern equivalent of The Portrait of Dorian Gray.

2013 A.D. Liz Eaton was a significant part of rigging ELCA for radical theology. Her glee is tangible.

2023 A.D. - Archbishop Liz today seems battle-worn, even in a staged photograph.

The apostates on the right may claim their aversion to ELCA, but they walk hand-in-claw with Eaton and her subordinates. Their broad-band insurance magazine - Thrivent - recognizes no synods, just Lutherans and non-Christians. The efforts to sell charitable annuities has taken vast amounts of property from the estates of seniors in the name of "helping our Church" and giving seniors a small percentage tax-free, truly a risky business. The churches used to wait for death to get the money - now they grab the money from the living. These helpful people have to earn a life insurance and annuity license to sell the product. Some are pastors, others are teachers or something else. Those Thrivent church agents build up clients for their own luxurious future - a win for them, too.

Luther's Advent 1 sermon exposes the modern Lutheran synods as parallels to the decadent Church of Rome in his time. Rome loved the spectacle, the buildings, and the pipe organs. Nothing was too extravagant and expensive, and no estate was too expensive to liquidate in order to pay for some of the sins of the deceased in Purgatory, a semi-Hell for the semi-saved.

Rome and the apostate Lutherans reject and belittle faith in Jesus Christ. ELCA is blatant, but the rest are not much better. They cling to Walther, the strangest of all "doctors of grace." His circle of radical Pietists grabbed onto Pastor Martin Stephan when their first radical Pietist died. Walther said that Stephan "saved his life" in that first letter sent to the future Midwest icon. Moreover, Walther never wavered from the dogma promoted by Stephan and Halle University. The crumbling Walther idolaters today still compete about the best ways to repudiate faith and extoll the universal forgiveness of the entire pagan world.

Several dozen people gathered for another conference promoting Objective Faithless Justification.
Jay Webber got his STM through an online, ELCA friendly seminary, which ordains women.

The comedy is almost equal to the Three Stooges films. The Robert and Jack Preus brothers sought the presidency of the LCMS by calling themselves conservatives when they taught the same exact Justification Without Faith as the LCA/ALC liberals, who pitted grace against faith in Christ. The Preus children and grandchildren proclaim the same error. Has no one read Romans in the last 50 years? At least Robert posthumously retracted his errors in Justification and Rome, which has been kicked aside by the editors, his sons.

For this nonsense, David P. Scaer was made the David P. Scaer Professor of Halle Pietism.

What do the "conservative" synods offer today - LCMS, WELS, ELS? They rage against the Chief Article of Christianity, Justification by Faith. But what do they love, honor, and cherish? The most recent president of the Ft. Wayne Seminary gushed about all the money he raised, especially for buildings. 

Marvin Schwan built a cathedral chapel for Concordia St. Louis and for Bethany in Mankato. Meanwhile, all the future pastors were expected to impoverish themselves for the joy of a Waltherian pastoral call. If they got pushed out of the ministry, they still had to pay the debt. How clever! - the colleges and seminaries still had the borrowed money. No refunds for having irritated the district president. Rich Lutherans are counted saints for their adultery, honored and blessed by the genius managers of the synods. Schwan is not alone.

WELS and the ELS should be ashamed of their lavish gyms, because they would rather have those trophies than faith in the Savior. 

Riddle me this, Bethany and MLC -

Is a college for teaching or for sweating? One can sweat in a modest facility, but students cannot learn without good teachers. What a message for college students! "Merry Christmas! We gutted the scholastics for sports!"

A magazine said Schwan did not think much of his children.
They might have added - "or his wife." More could be said.